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Hello! I really enjoy baking, and I have an awful memory, so I've decided to save my recipes and share them with the great people of Wattpad at the same time. Seems like a win-win. Anywho, the recipes I've tried will be rated from 1 - 5 with 1 being terrible, (like Miley-Cyrus-Justin-Beiber awful) and 5 being amazing (like Oreo cookies and winning the lottery great). Some recipes that I haven't tried are in here because they interested me and I would like to try them one day. If anyone has any recipes they would like to share, I would love suggestions! Some reviews of the recipes in the comments or through messages may be used in the chapter review. If anybody has any changes they made to the recipe, or that they think would help the recipe, I would be glad to receive any advice! Have a great day and a wonderful meal!

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