"Hi, I'm Lizzy," She rushed out since Josh had opened his mouth to interrupt her again. She looked up at him with a smug look, he just chuckled.

"Well, I'm Ben. This is my twin Ella, and my little sister Lindsey." Ben smiled.

"Are you by yourself?" Lizzy asked.

"Yeah, but we're doing fine here. We have everything we need. Normally if we see people coming we go inside or behind the building, but we didn't hear your car drive up." Ben explained.

"That's one of the reasons it's the best car." Josh said proudly.

"Well, we need gas, so I'm going to go fill up. Can we grab something to drink from the store before we leave?" Kyle asked.

"Of course." Ella spoke up. Kyle smiled at her and nodded, before turning and heading back  toward the car.

Wetalked to the kids until we were all ready to go inside. I was in front of everyone, so I walked faster towards the door and went to push on it to open it. I put my hand on the door and put my body weight against it, when suddenly the doors went shooting out to either side. I went flying forward, trying to regain balance, but I tripped over my own foot in the process and ended up sprawled out on the floor face down.

From above me I heard roaring laughter.

"Man, I wish I had my camera for that one." Cam said between laughter.

"What's the matter haven't you ever gone through an automatic door before?" Josh laughed.

I glanced over at Lizzy, who was trying to be a good best friend and not laugh. There was a smile on her face and she was biting her lip. Dan was also laughing, but  not as much as everyone else was. I glared at them until my eyes rested on Lindsey. She was laughing and clapping her little hands together, I coudln't help but  smile.

My smile faded, when I stood up and I felt a pain in my leg. I peered down at my knee and there was a huge mark running from part way up my thigh to my knee. It looked like I had just skimmed it, but suddenly blood was pouring out of it and dripping down my leg. The laughter stopped and was replaced with chorsus' of 'Oooo' and 'Oh man''s.

I looked up with wide eyes, not exactly knowing what to do.

Kyle and Ty rushed over to me. Ty put his arm around my back, while looking down at my knee. Kyle bent down and looked at it for a second, he placed his thumb next to the cut and pressed lightly. A new current of blood streamed out. I clenched my teeth and breathed through them making a hissing sound.

"Someone go get some tissues." Kyle instructed, glancing up at my face briefly. Dan went to the back where the restrooms were and returned with a handful of toilet paper. He handed it to Kyle, who ripped it into sections. He took the larger one and pressed  it against the cut. The smaller section he used to gently dab away the blood that had dripped down my leg. Holding the tissue firmly against the cut, he turned to look at everyone.

"Cam, go get some bandages and something to clean the cut out with." Kyle stated, turning back to my leg.

Cam left to find the section of the little store that held the bandages and cleaning solutions. He returned a few minutes later with a box of band aids and a tube of something. He handed them to Kyle and stepped back. I smiled slightly. It was like one of those shows where the doctor tells everyone what to do so he can 'rescue' the patient. They didn't have to make a big deal out of it, but they probably wouldn't have listened to me.

"Let's bring her over to the counter." Kyle stated, looking at Ty. Kyle gently pulled away the tissue, which was now stained with blood. While Kyle left to find a fresh tissue, Ty brought me over to the counter and I hopped up so I was sitting on it. Kyle came back with a wet tissue in his  hand. He gently wiped away the blood.

"Alright, it's stopped bleeding, now I'm gonna put  the cream on it." He told me. He squirted a little of the cream on his finger and he gently rubbed it against my skin. I winced as it started to sting. Ty grabbed my hand and I squeezed it slightly until the stinging went away. Kyle gently placed the band aid over the cut, and rubbed it to make sure it would stay.

"There," He smiled. "All done."

"Thanks, but you didn't have to make such a big deal out of it." I smirked. It did hurt I will admit, but  I wouldn't cry over it. I only cry when something really upset me, but Kyle only shrugged his shoulders.

"Uh oh, I think we may need more tissues. That guy has pink stuff under his nose. I think it's bleeding." Lindsey gasped, tugging on her brother's arm. He gave her a small smile and held a finger to his lips telling her to be quiet. I'm guessing by now he had figured it out......he's probably done it to people before.

"But--" She started again, but Ben gently put his hand in front of her mouth and the rest of her sentence was unintelligable. Ben looked up at Ty and gave him a sheepish smile.

"Marie!" Ty said giving me the evil eye. I smiled innocently at him and he rolled his eyes.

"Let's get the drinks and get out of here." Cam smiled looking at everyone. We all laughed, and grabbed our drinks. It was actually really warm out so the coolness of the liquid felt really good.

"Thanks for everything." I smiled at Ben, Ella, and Lindsey. They nodded their heads. I turned to leave but Lindsey came running up to me, slammed into my legs and gave me a hug. I smiled even though she was sqeezing my hurt leg. I bent down and gave her a hug and smiled at her.

"Bye." She smiled.

"Bye." I giggled.

We started towards the door, when suddenly I slammed into something hard. I looked up and saw Josh smirking at me. He put his hand on my shoulder and gently pushed me in front of him. I then noticed that everyone was staring at me and I looked to Kyle for help.

"You think you can make it through this time?" Kyle teased.

"Oh, shut up." I retorted. We all still stood there, I looked up at everyone and they were staring at me still smirking.

"After you." Cam said waving his arm in a grand gesture.

I shot him a look and walked up to the door, and when I was a couple of feet away it opened and I walked right through. I turned and smirked at them all before marching towards the car.

I was halfway in the car when I heard an "Ow!". I looked over and saw that Cam was holding his head, apparently he had hit it when he got in the car.

"Oh, man that hurt." He said, rubbing his head.

"You'll be fine, now drive." Kyle replied.

"Oh, so Marie get's all the "medical emergency" attention for her cut, but I don't even get an 'Are you okay'. I see how it is." He huffed.

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