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Welcome to a new story! As it says in the description, I found out about the Pipercy sibling AU and had to write it. This chapter is basically just summing up their lives and how the whole siblings thing work because obviously I don't want to whitewash Piper but I want them to actually be siblings. All will soon be explained anyway. I also did a bit of working out to make sure they were the right ages and all that. Piper's birthday is unknown so I made it up. 

PERCY POV (the one-shots will vary in POV, from Percy to Piper to Annabeth and Jason and sometimes third person)

October 15th, 1994. The day my little half-sister, Piper, was born. I was only one year old at the time so I can't say I remember it, but it was definitely the best day of my life. Piper alway says my birthday, 18th of August, 1993, was the best day of her life too. I always say to her, "You didn't even have a life then!" but she just pokes out her tongue and says that it doesn't matter.

I remember when I was younger, and I didn't understand how Piper could be my sister. She had gorgeous coffee coloured skin, but my skin was tanned. We didn't have the same last name - apparently Piper's dad insisted she kept his. Piper wants to change it. Neither of us look like our mom, and Piper has brown hair and eyes like kaleidoscopes, while my eyes are a bright sea green. But the thing is, we are siblings. Different dads that neither of us have met doesn't change anything. Our mom, Sally, loves us like crazy, and we share the same sense of humour, the same interests, the same hobbies. Surfing is our favourite thing to do together, but I'd say I'm a little better.

October 15th, 1999. Piper's 5th birthday. I gave her a hug and a cupcake with a dollar on top. Probably not super safe, but I though it was creative. Creative for a six-year-old, anyway. The card I gave her said:

"Dear Piper, Happy Birthday. I love you a lot. You are the best sister in the world and I hope you stay younger than me forever so you can always be my little sister. Love from Percy"

Piper sometimes pulls that card out and shows me. I don't know why she loves it so much. Probably the horrible dolphin drawing on the front.

October 15, 2004. Piper turned 10, and it was very exciting. She wanted a big party but mom couldn't afford it and our house was too small. So I woke Piper up at seven in the morning and we snuck out of the apartment and threw our own little party in the apartment complex's laundry room. I had made  streamers out of newspaper and bought a box of milk duds with my pocket money. Piper still says it was the best party anyone had ever thrown her. When mom found out she cried. She said it was because she thought she'd lost us, and she knew it was silly, and she said she 'should've known Percy would do this'.

October 15th, 2009. Piper's 15th birthday. She had a small party - her friend Leo came, and so did her 'friend' Jason. My girlfriend Annabeth came too, she and Piper are close. It was time for Piper to open her present from me, but it wasn't on the pile. "Hang on, I'll go get it." I ran down to the stairs of our apartment complex, leaving a confused Piper behind me - I'd left it with the lobby. When I returned to our apartment, I was holding a new surfboard. Piper screamed and hugged me so tight I couldn't breathe. "How did you get this!" she cried. We've only ever had crappy, second hand boards.

"I've been saving since your thirteenth birthday, Pipes."

"Holy f- holy fudge. You're the best. Percy, I love you so much."

Piper started showing it off to Jason and Leo, and talking about how this was the one she wanted and she couldn't believe she finally had it. Annabeth came up to me and put her arm around my waist. "You know, Percy, you're a pretty great brother."

I smiled. "Am I a good boyfriend too?"

Annabeth pretended to think hard. Or maybe she wasn't pretending - I hope she was though. "You know what, Percy, I think you are." she said finally, and hugged my around the waist.

"This is my birthday!" Piper yelled. "I should not have watch you two being gross today!"

"We're just hugging. Jeepers Pipes." I muttered

"Yeah, yeah. Oh, we're going surfing tomorrow as well."

"Piper, it's the middle of Autumn."

Piper rolled her eyes. "Yeah, and?"

"Ok, ok, we're going surfing tomorrow." I sighed

Annabeth laughed and kissed me. "I wish my little brothers were like you, Perce. I could never get them to go anywhere."

"Well, Piper has me wrapped around her little finger. Let's be honest. She's my favourite sister."

"I'm your only sister, idiot."


So, what did you think? I'll be updating again tonight or tomorrow. The next chapter is gonna be longer as well. I'm so glad to finally publish this as it's been in my drafts for a while. 

Also, if you follow my other story, Mortals Meet Percabeth, I will be updating that tonight as well.

Pipercy Sibling AU Oneshots (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now