Page 2 (traditional)

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Neither of us were cured. We were found by Genesis, the organization that performs brutal experiments on humans, gave me this lethal virus, and took away my permanent human form.

On top of that, I didn't become a respectable person at all...that's because I'm a....


A sniper's bullet nearly grazed the back of my head. I was used to this, so I didn't flinch at the intense rush of air and hissing lead.

The heat of my body caused the edges of my red and blue aviator goggles to fog up, yet I just continued leaping from rooftop to rooftop. A thin blanket of snow covered everything, but there was no ice yet, thankfully.

Fog puffed from beneath my black half-face ski mask as I panted from running. A jagged-toothed grin replaced my normal mouth whenever I donned this odd mask. Bright pink blood dripped perpetually from the lower jaw.

A commanding voice boomed about a hundred yards to my left, shouting at someone else,


A meeker voice responded,

"Roger that!"

...I suppose you could say I'm a terrorist of sorts.


Page two, yay! I'm having a ton of fun with this and there should hopefully be an update this weekend!

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