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The five have seen the world form quickly in short time. Fersion still rest while regaining her strength. During her recovery, the males have followed ideas of the humans and have created a palace for Fersion. They wanted to protect her so they took the sky. After tedious months of nonstop construction, they have created a castle high above the heads of their descendants below.

The structure was a beautiful and massive architectural masterpiece but will never be seen. The males have taken to every length to protect Fersion so they coated the outside walls with clouds; ones that allowed only those inside the castle to see through them. However, they still needed aid.

The five found their urge to help those below undeniable and needed to understand what their children were up to. So, Cadlex studied who would be best to help but would cause no harm to the recovering Fersion. Cadlex then found that the wandering birds, those who spoke only in song and whose wings were soft, would be the perfect herald of the five. At first, the other three questioned Cadlex's decision in fear of Fersion's safety. Those doubts were quickly put to rest when they allowed only one bird, a blue feathered dove, into the castle and it quickly rested itself on Fersion's finger as she sat still in a chair.

The birds told them much about man's progress in their absence. They told of the growth of civilization, the reproduction of life, the distribution of wealth, and above all, the tales of governments lead by one human or dozens. This left a spark of inspiration within the five. Beforehand, Cadlex made most of the decisions for the others. However, he choose that it would be better if all could offer an equal opinion and different insight in critical matters. To do this, Cadlex asked Prodis and Vursid to construct a table in one of the castle's empty rooms.

The two work tirelessly to collect the resources needed without interacting with their children below. They crept in caves and slid in caverns to find all that they needed. Eventually, construction began. They made the table out of marble with flakes of gold marking geographical designs on the surface. The shape was what made the table iconic. There were five indents on the table's rim. This was so that each of the five would be almost encompassed by the table when they were seated. As a small luxury, Prodis and Vursid made the indent for Fersion a tad larger than the others, almost to signify her being the head or mediator of whatever conferences were to be held there. A small pedestal rest in the center of the table for the blue feathered dove to deliver any information of the world below.

Once the completion of the table was announced, Kinloe aided Fersion to the table room. She takes weak steps to her seat at the head of the table and places herself into the crystal throne with shaky legs. She looked over the marble and the look of her companions and felt at peace. She felt whole.

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