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Today was the first day of my new school, and I was scared as fuck. I have done this before but I knew this would be the school that I would stay at till I left for college. I was never a social person because we always moved around, but it also didn't help that I was gay. To most people I was the freaking, smart, gay person that no one wanted to talk to, so I stayed to myself. My father had called me done for school as I was walking down the steps.

"Coming Father," I yelled.

"Finally. I have called called you to come down a thousand times. Why weren't you the first time?" replied his drunken dad.

"You only called me once dad," I murmured.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME I!" his father screamed at him.

Cas replied in the in the softest voice that was loud enough for his father to hear him, " I called you dad. I am sorry Father. I should be heading off to school now. Bye Father."




When I got to school, I went to the office to get my classes and map of the school. When I got there, I saw a jock sitting there with his leather man jacket sitting on his lap. He looked at me, and I saw his amazing green eyes. They weren't the gross green eyes, but they were a pretty shade.

"Um. Can I help you sir?" asked the lady behind me.

"Yes, I am here to classes. Um, my name is Castiel Novak."

"Let me see. Yes you are right here. Let me get that for you real quick. Here you go. I will have Dean show you around." Pointing her hand at the guy with the green eyes.

"Let me see what classes you have," Dean asked, his voice was deeper then what I thought it would be with an out reached hand. "Wow we have all but one class together. Just follow me around today. Ok?"

I could only nod my head in respond because I was sending the day with Dean. He was already making me blush. I soon notice that it only meant that I had a crush on Dean.





This is only one of many chapters to come. I will try to write it as often as can, but I can't promise that I will stick to an update posting. I hope you enjoyed this. The next part will be in Dean's point of view.

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