you cant drage me down there anymore

Start from the beginning

Jinxx POV

I was in the kitchen making some popcorn when I heard a bang, it sounded like someone had walked into something. I took a peek into the hall and I saw Ray stumble into the bathroom. I heard the door close and the water run for a minute. I looked at the clock when I heard her scream.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" and that was all the courage it took for me to bang on the door.

"Ray open the door!" I yelled hoping she could hear me. the guys ran out from  the bunks and CC woke up from the living room and banged on the door in concession with me. I could hear her crying inside there and my heart just broke. Sammi was hitting the door, crying as much as Ray was inside the locked door. but through her crying I heard one name in her mumbles, Jaime. I tapped Andy on his shoulder. he looked at me and I gestured him to the living room.

"Grab Sammi and bring her to the back room until I send Jake down there please, she doesn’t need to hurt herself because of this." he nodded grabbing my girlfriend who was crying her heart out because she just wanted her sister to be happy. I took out my phone and stepped outside. I was afraid of what could happen if we couldn’t get the door open.

"Hello!" Jaime answered sounding very chipper.

"jaime where are you." I knew he wasn’t on the bus and Vic was at the bar with the rest of them but Jaime had left before that, we had no clue where he had dissapeared to, but we also didn’t know this was going to happen.

"Uh I went for a walk why?" he asked confussed, I didn’t want to really explain over the phone the situation. I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"When are you coming back" I asked hoping he was close or was on his way back now.

"Uh right now ill be there in a few why?"

I sighed, "Just hurry." I hung up the phone and waited outside for him to come. within a few minutes I saw someone running up to me and I realized it was Jaime. he stopped in front of me all out of breath.

"Jinxx what's wrong?" he asked all out of breath. so explained everything that had happened and as soon as I stopped he was already running into the bus and he broke the lock open with a pick and disappeared into the bathroom with her. there was nothing more we could do but wait, I guess it was up to Jaime on this one. we all sat down with the TV on but none of us could really pay attention to it with our minds being somewhere else. it was about an hour later that the bathroom door opened and out came Jaime with Ray right next to him. her face was pale and her eyes seemed like they really weren't there but she was alright. she walked over to me and I motioned for Jake to go get Andy and Sammi. I hugged Ray tight just not wanting to let her go.


I fought against it all not wanting to go back down that path anymore. I heard the banging cease on the door but then a few minute late I heard the door opened and I used all my effort and looked up seeing Jaime. he slowly came towards me sitting as close as he could with me on the floor of the cramped bathroom. the voices seemed to fade as I looked at Jaime, his hair crazy and sticking up as usual but it seemed more crazy. I giggled just a little bit. how can one man make me happy when I was so upset.

"What's wrong Ray-Ray" he asked wrapping his arm around me. I wanted to tell him cause I felt so safe, but I had barely known him a week. I was afraid he would leave me.

"I'm afraid to say." I whispered but he had heard me.

"There is nothing to be afraid of all we want, all I want is to see you smile and to see you happy." I looked up at him and took a deep breath, I felt like I had to tell him.

"It all started when I was 14, my father left Sammi and I and mother became a drunk. Sammi left when I was 15 to do what she wanted to and to get away from the depression over the house. Sammi and I stayed in contact but I didn’t want to stop her from her life so I didn’t tell her about my home life. mother started drinking more when Sammi left and then started yelling at me when she was wasted. she blamed me for Dad and Sammi leaving." I started crying again and Jaime held me close until I continued. "I started this," I showed him my arm. " about a few months after Sammi left and it didn’t stop until she came back one day to visit and she wanted me to come back with her to meet Jinxx and the guys. she came in while mom was yelling at me and she yelled at mom. she grabbed me and I lived with her and Jinxx for a year until I was 17. my mother became clean and I had to go live with her  and its been ok but when I went home I met this guy. Kyle was amazing a first, he was nice and he was the first boyfriend I had. we finished high school together and once high school ended I was 18 and I moved in with him. now during the year I was with Sammi and Jinxx I had stopped cutting but of course he scars were still there. but anyways when I moved in with him he changed, he was controlling hated me talking to any guy expecially Jinxx and the guys. Sammi didn’t like him from the start and I should have listened to her. I began cutting again and one day when Sammi came to pick me up for our girls day out, he was in one of his rants and he hit me when Sammi walked in. he was arrested but he left scars from what he would say to me and it still affects me to this day. but after the deal with him I went back to live with my mother and things seemed ok , but its still a struggle that is ongoing and tonight I had a nightmare and I woke up to go to the bathroom and I heard his voice in my head and I didn’t want to go back down that road." I finally finished everything and I looked up at Jaime who looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"But why did you want me." he asked.

"I felt safe with you." he smiled and then looked at me.

"Ray, you are amazing and strong for surviving all that and Sammi simply cant live without you, you two are the closest sisters I have even seen and everyone on this bus loves you. never forget that." he hugged me close and I felt better, stronger. he stood up holding his hand out to me. I grabbed it and he pulled me in for a hug.

"You are beautiful never forget that." and with that he opened the door to the others. I saw them all sitting in the living room Jinxx got right up and I walked over to him. and he motioned something to Jake and I just hugged him. this was home, I was safe.

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