KyoTen love result

697 32 8

Fubuki: Ah~ So here is the KyoTen love result... Matsukaze Tenma has 93.5% Love for Tsurugi Kyousuke! Very good Tenma!

Tenma: *blush* Not 100%..?

Fubuki: Hmm..... Maybe you are not loving him enough....

Tenma: -/////////- Yeah You are right Fubuki-san! I need to love him more so it can reach to the 100!

Fubuki: It is not easy but Keep going! *smiles* (^ω^)

Tenma: Hai! ....... I wonder how much Tsurugi loves me..

Fubuki: Don't worry he loves you a lot.. ^////////^

Tenma: >/////////< S-So who is next Fubuki-san..?

Fubuki: Ano.... Okay next is-

Suzuno: *crushed the door and walks in* Next is me... THE WHOLE WORLD WILL KNOW HOW MUCH I LUV NAGUMO! *epic proud face*

Tenma: *GASP!* (◎_◎;)

Fubuki: *shivers* O-Okay but I need some time to do it..(^_^;)

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