I started panicking. Adrianne's window was open, and she was peering out. It didn't look like she noticed us. Her long brown hair was blowing in the breeze, what was she doing?!? I grabbed the guy and veered off onto the edge on the forest, I didn't want her seeing us.

 "What the hell bro!?" Ethan said. 

"Shut up! Guys look, Adrianne's window is open. We need to go. Now. She may try to run away!" I whispered harshly. 

Without waiting for their responses, I started sprinting, I had to get there before she did anything stupid. I heard them catching up behind me. If only I could shift, I would get there in half the time! But no, if Adrianne spotted me, I could be in some seriously deep shit. 

I finally approached the house and went to the back door. I was tired, after training sessions, where you learn to fight, to control your inner wolf, and such, running an extra mile or so just added to the exhaustion. I looked around and found the guys with their hands on their knees, panting. "How did she even get the fucking window open?!" James almost growled at me.

My eyes flashed warningly and he looked away. He was right. "I locked that window. I don't know how she got it open James." I replied crisply.

"Okay, I think we should stay here and position ourselves at every angle in case she tried to escape. Then James, you should sneak up there and get her. I think you should bring her out here though, since she got the window open you can't leave her unsupervised now. Plus, she's been in there for awhile and dying to come out, with all four of us here, he could keep her boxed in and make sure she doesn't try anything." Derek suggested.

I nodded. It seemed like a good plan. "Yeah, I'll bring her down after I get her something to eat, I didn't feed her today yet."

They left and situated themselves and each side of the window, hopefully Adrianne wasn't looked directly down.

I opened the sliding glass door and stealthily slipped inside. I climbed all the way to her room and peeked inside. She was still looking outside so she obviously didn't hear me come up here. It looked like she was thinking about something. I looked her up and down. She had changed out of her clothes from yesterday. The purple tanktop she was wearing complimented her curves well and looked fantastic with her white shorts than sported her large ass and long legs. It also had her look even more tan than she already was. Overall, she looked hot, and had a nice body. 

I was pulled out of my thoughts as I heard her sigh. It was time to get her and give her food. She could also go outside, meet my friends and relax. Maybe she'll realize we aren't trying to hurt her, or be mean.

Oh my God. I'm going soft. I'm going to teach her a lesson. She can't just go getting locked windows open! I walked into the room as quiet as possible, and seeing as I'm a wolf, that's pretty stealthy. 


God damnit. 

I want to escape the hellhole. But I know it's not possible at the moment. These people obviously want me here badly, and as unwilling as I am to admit it, I kind of need them too. I sigh and look out at the sun. I guess leaving will have to wait until i can understand myself and my abilities a little bit better.


I smirk. I know what I'm going to do.

Tenderly, I wrap my arms around her waist, not contacting any skin. Adrianne's so wrapped up in her thoughts, I doubt she even realized. I hover over her and them pull her against me. Her sharp intake of breath tells me she's about to scream, so I quickly put my hand over her mouth, "Shut up," I hissed into her ear. Adrianne cringed away from me as I spun her around. 

 "Where have you been? I've been here all day with no food and I'm starving! You should take better care of your prisoners." She mumbled angrily.

 Wow. She thinks she's my prisoner.  Well, we have been sorta treating her like one....SNAP OUT OF IT.  I pushed her against the wall and whispered into her ear, "Why?"


"Why?" He whispered huskily into my ear. Oh no. He is NOT going to seduce me again. This is MY game, I call the shots.

"Why what?" I asked innocently, hiding my smile with a questioning look.

He pushed me against the wall harder, forcing my hands down to my waist. 

"Why, open the window, somehow?" He replied unaffected.

I shoved him off me, he was too suprised to stop me. "Hm, maybe I just wanted a fresh breeze, I've been up here for days not being able to come out Aiden!"

Anger flared in his eyes as I glared at him. He quirked his eyebrow and a smirk covered his face. "You sound sexy when you say my name,"

I rolled my eyes. He advanced on me again, this time I was stuck in the corner, his arms leaning against both walls, caging me in.

 "What do you want?" I asked. Truely, I was curious.

He leaned into me, I tried to duck but his arms snaked around my waist as I helplessly let him breathe in my scent and nuzzle my neck. I tried pushing him away from me and to get out of his grasp, but he held me tight and wouldn't budge.


She smelt good. Intoxicatingly good. I wanted to kiss her neck, her face, her lips. But no. I need to hate this girl. She's my enemy. I heard her sigh and give into me. See, SHE gives into ME. That's how it's supposed to be. 

"Adrianne, how did you get the window open? Were you planning to escape?" I asked hastily.

Adrianne leaned into me and her slim frame fit well against my large build. I loosened my grip on her waist. She lifted her head to look me straight in the eyes and whispered, "Wouldn't you like to know? Maybe it's my big, bad alpha powers."

My eyes widened at her remark. How dare she! I was about to yell, but suddenly, she flipped me around into the corner and started kissing my neck.

That was a pleasant surprise. I continued to let her kiss me, she was leaning into me, hands on my chest. Suddenly, I moaned.


I heard his moan as I bit down on his neck. His grip tightened on my hips. I continued to nibble and he kept moaning. Just a little longer...I felt his 'friend' come up and smiled to myself. BINGO! I went to the other side of his neck and let my tongue wander along his soft skin. 

His grip loosened. I travelled up to his mouth and kissed him on the lips. He responded immediately. BINGO AGAIN. After breaking away I whispered, "Don't mess with the master Aiden." 

 He reached out to grab me again but I yanked away and pulled my foot from underneath him. His fell on his ass. Still dazed from the kiss. I  reached over and shut the window, sliding the folder out and taking the bobby pin and paperclip with me across the room.

 "Let's see how you like it." I slipped into the hallway and locked the door behind me. 

 Now, I just need a kitchen and food before I figure out what to do next...


What the Hell.....

 I get up on the ground and walk to the door. Turning the handle, I realize, it's locked.

And Adrianne has NO intention on letting me out anytime soon.

...It's still hot when she says my name...


OKAY, hopefully long enough.

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