Fallen angel

25 2 0

Darkness in an allyway,

Dust and dirt in the air.

Its here that lurkers stay,

Monsters with sharp teeth and long claws here and there.

Ripped, tattered clothes on filthy people,

Thiefs, killers and traitors.

All scary and sharp like a needle,

All closing windows and doors.

But in the middle of the mess,

is an angel fallen from above.

A beautiful soul in a white dress,

Wings needing a rest.

from this evil place it wants to escape,

It's kind heart in it's chest.

Around it a death whispering drape,

It knows it's presence here is wrong.

Wants to run like a deer,

It wants to hear heavens calming song.

But it knows it was sent to help the poor, lost beings here.

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