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~Asuna P.O.V~

I wake up to the sound of Xander And Nick having a fight, I got up and they stopped looked at me then I went to make some breakfast. We are still living in this cave for 3 weeks now, my brother goes around finding a nice route to go on, no luck so far ,either The angel patrols are close to and escape route or my brother gets tired and comes back.

"Alright I think I found the perfect plan to go." Brian states as he draws a plan in the dirt with a stick

"Are we sure? We could just stay here!" Xander says

"Yes I second that motion, we stay" Nick says, they are both eager to stay, ill find that out later.

"I say we move out, I don't wanna spend another minute on this ground, they have looked everywhere , Even was close to finding this place!" I say whisper yelling

"We leave at dusk, all those that want to stay, can stay" Brian says, we all nod as if saying we shall go, we wont stay.

after 3 hours of packing food and water, its dusk, just light enough to faintly see my black wolf coat.

"All right all shift, or get your wings" Xander says, We all change from human to wolf, or angel.

We fly over a stop where Xander and Nickolas Wanted to go.

"Finally something You two agree on!" my brother says laughing, I join in moments later. they just look at us and say a quick "We will be back" and hurry off as if there buns were on fire.

"Where do you wanna go? sista? it has been 12 years" Brian states looking over the town we stopped by in.

"Well Why don't we go to the park and play our version of tag?" I say, Oh the times of tag when I was 5. He just looked at me as if I was out of my mind.

"Remember? HOW!!" I yell as we get to the park.

"I don't remember! I'm sorry. I was 16 my forgetful age."

"I WAS 5 AND I STILL REMEMBER" I yell, thankfully no one was in the park.

"Ok just remind me of the rules and maybe I can remember." he said rubbing his hand against his neck.

"Its simple same rules as normal tag, but, When your tagged you have to either do 10 girl push-ups 5 real push-ups or 15 jumping jacks and,.." I said but was cut off

"No Tag Backs!" he said tagging me, the game has started, we played tag for an hour and got hungry and thirsty, we walked to the food court got some food with the money Brian had from before. we met up with Xander and Nick and they asked me to follow them.

"Why?! were trying to leave this place remember!" I say pushing them off of me, Brian helping me.

"Please! we want to introduce you to an old friend!" I finally give in and walk to the house with them, they open the door and go to the fire place, bind folded me and gag me. I squirm and try to get it off but they tied my hands as well.

"Here we are princess" Xander said holding my cheek, I no longer felt sparks or limp at his touch I only felt pain.

"GET OFF ME!!" I yell and Xander removed his hand. Replaced by Nickolas's hand, no sparks. no love. no feeling. its like they were dead. 'Get him off me!' Loretta cried, 'I Want these hands AWAY' Connie screamed in pain

"Dismissed" I heard a voice say

"Yes King Alpha" Xander and Nick Said In Sink, untying my hands and running out of the room, I rip off the blind fold and spit out the gag. I look up to see the most amazing thing I have ever seen, A pure White wolf with pure white wings, he went behind a rock and shifted came back out with basketball shorts and a t-shirt, his eyes a wonderful green his hair brown, and I could tell he had at least a 6 pack under that shirt. He looked at me and walked toward me and I didn't walk back my legs were forced to move forward!

'Go to him, he is our true mate!' Loretta said 'He is our true soul, pure and clear!' Connie said I could tell they were in my legs walking me toward him.

"Hello, I am Ethan, I sent Xander And Nickolas to find you" This "Ethan" man stated

"Then how do you explain the sparks?" Loretta Connie And I said in a three part harmony

"Simple Hybrids Have this magic to be able to part with there wolf and angel and transfer to another person, once Xander and Nickolas entered this room they were returned back to me and there wolf and angel were returned to them." Ethan stated

"That's how both of them were mine, you can only ever have one." I reply

"And your, mine, my Soulmate its just a stronger bond" Ethan said, I run up and hug him tightly.

"Don't Ever trick me." Is all I say before Brian comes in with "news"

"Asuna we HAVE to leave they caught up to us we were followed" He said "Whos this guy?" He got distracted as we flew by him in our wolf forms, it seems Ethan was a rouge but more like starting his own pack because when we got out there no less than 600 wolves were there fighting angels, good thing this town is wolves only so its a pack starting place.

"GET OUT OF HERE ALPHA WE CAN HANDLE THIS" I heard a wolf say as ripping a wing off an angel.

"Beta Jaxson over here!" I heard another wolf say to the first one. His beta's name is Jaxson.

Ethan goes behind a rock grabs shorts and shifts , no shirt, 'CALLED IT' Connie screamed 'He has a 6-pack' I say in the call, we all heard Loretta faint.

Ethan grabs me and sprouts wings, just wings, HOW?!

"Lets go precious" Ethan says as the 600 wolves follow us in victory

I slowly fade to sleep, in his arms.

~Dream World~

I'm running away from something, from a wolf, why am I scared from a wolf?

I run through the forest and slip on a rock, and land on my back, I get up and continue to run, I look around and see two wolves are just 20 feet away from me with that time looking behind me I bump into a person, I look up to see Ethan I smile and rest against a tree as Ethan beats The two wolves till they flee, he turns to me and smiles as he speaks,

"Remember this" He says

"Sifa lisha niti" He Finishes and I pass out.

~Dream World~

"Wake up" I hear Ethan say, I wake up and look around I see I'm in a bed, I walk up to a window and open it to see the surroundings outside, its cabins all along the forest to house 600 wolves and I run to another window behind the bed I was at, it was a lake.

"Welcome Home, Asuna" I hear Ethan say And I run into his arms

Everything Will Be Better, Starting Now.

.~.-.().-.<>.-.().-.~ . ~.-.().-.<>.-.().-.~. ~.-.().-.<>.-.().-.~.

The Sun Will Shine,

If You Smile,

If You Smile,

I Will Shine For You.

.~.-.().-.<>.-.().-.~ . ~.-.().-.<>.-.().-.~. ~.-.().-.<>.-.().-.~.

A/N: Have any ideas Comment, and I'm sorry for how long I made you wait to read this!! Stay with me I just had some writers block, comment on what you want next! Should I add pictures to each chapter?

Stay Sharp! and have a howl of a time reading !

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