Meeting Grayson

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Amy's POV
I'll just get dressed I'll be 10 mins ... Don't look!!!
She said laughing as she walked into the bathroom
Ethan's eyes followed Amy around the room ... As she started getting changed Ethan peaked through the crack in the door quickly looking away.
Ethan's POV
She's perfect he said admiring her figure he quickly looked away as she walked out
All done!
Ah..okay he smiled let's go.
So where do you want to go? Amy asked
Well I was thinking the milkshake shack, where I first met you he said smiling
That was only 2days ago she laughed
Things felt like they where moving fast but it felt so right, like I have known her years.
I know he replied with a smile
They went to the milkshake shack and had breakfast
After that they started walking back to Ethan's apartment
Amy's POV
I'm so nervous to meet Grayson
What if he doesn't like me or my hair or my style or thinks I'm ugly or doesn't want me with Ethan ... Amy started panicking with all these thoughts flying around her head
Do I say something ?
Amy stopped
E: what's wrong?
I I can't do this ... What if he hates me she huffed
E: he won't hate you I promise in fact he's happy I've met you he smiled.
Really? oh okay she smiled back
We got to the door and I could feel my heart sink my palms were sweating I was so nervous we knocked and a few mins later Grayson answered
He just finished a workout and was about to get in the shower
G: oh sorry dude was about to get in the shower. Hi you must be Amy then aha
Yeah I'm Amy she said trying not to look at Grayson standing there with only a towel around his waist
G: come in then he laughed
I would hug you but I'm super sweaty I'll speak to you both after.
As I walked into the front room Grayson pulled Ethan to the side in not sure what he said but I think he likes me ?
Ethan's POV
*grayson opened the door in a towel*
Seriously dude c'mon first time meeting the girl I want to marry and your naked he said in his head staring at Grayson
Come lets go sit down he said to Amy
As I walked into the front room Grayson pulled me aside
G:she's fit dude ... You did well
E: I know ... She's perfect
Dude you don't understand I think I might be in love he smiled
And walked into Amy
Amy's POV
did he just say in love
Woah he loves me ... Is this a dream ... I can't believe it I think I love him too she said smiling to her self
Ethan walks in
What was that Amy? Haha
Oh nothing I just said um... We uh we have to play the wii! You got Mario kart?
E:yeah he said like an excited puppy
You like Mario kart? Swear each day I fall more in... He stopped himself
Dude why did you do that he said in his head.
I fall more in love with Mario kart he awkwardly smiled
Same I know what you mean, Amy smiled back
E: look were not talking about the game are we he said giggling
A:no well I wasn't anyway
E: me neither he laughed and sat next to Amy
I Know it's been a few days but I really do like you .. A lot he said
Amy's eyes lit up
I really like you too she said
Ethan lent in to kiss just then Grayson walked in ... So .. Your from London he said loudly
Looking at Ethan and Amy .. Oh sorry dude I it was bad timing ... I'm such a goof sorry
Amy: NO, it's okay she smiled not wanting to seem rude
Yeah I'm from London staying with my aunt for a bit
G: cool we will have to come and see London with you one day he laughed.
Yeah I would love that Amy said as she looked at Ethan

There was an awkward silence
Then Grayson spoke
So you two a thing now he laughed
As Ethan went to speak Amy butted in
Yes yeah we are ... I mean I hope
Ethan looked at her
Yeah we are
As they lent in to kiss Grayson jumped up of his seat and went to the kitchen
And that's my Que to leave he muttered

Ethan pulled Amy in and kissed her
It was the most magical thing they had ever experienced
Ethan pulled Amy back and they hugged till gray came back in

Graysons POV
Wow he really likes this girl
He's so happy
Grayson walked back in so Amy I was thinking maybe we could all go to Disneyland tomorrow you can meet our friends
Sounds good Amy giggled
The next day they went to Disney land and had the best day Their friends loved Amy and treated her like family and they were pleased seeing Ethan so happy
Weeks flew by and Amy and Ethan were falling even more in love
Unfortunately Amy only had 2 more weeks before she went back to london for 2weeks,
This meant having a long distance relationship for that time
They were determined it would work

Amy: just think about it this way two weeks and I'll be back for 2 years
We can spend so much time together
Ethan: yeah I know It's just I'll miss you he said with a smirk on his face kissing her forehead

Ethan smirks a lot when he knows something someone doesn't
Was he planning something ?
Who knows? Find out next chapter

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