2. Messy Compromises

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Freddie's POV

"Come ooonnnnn!" Carly pleads.

Sam gave up trying to convince me to do the segment after that little...incident. We left after finishing our smoothies and walked back to Carly's place.

"No." I say simply, for the nine hundredth time. I started getting creative with my answers after the first few times, but I'm beginning to feel tired and fed up now. The only thing that had been keeping me entertained had been when Carly got Sam to try begging too. That was hilarious, but surprisingly much harder to say no to. I ended up giving vague remarks to her pleas, never actually saying no, but making it seem like I was.



"But Freddie! We need more material for the show and the fans have been begging us to do this!!!!" Carly pleads.

Suddenly, an idea pops into my head.

"You know what? Ok." I give in.

"Ok what?" Carly asks.

"I'll do the segment." I say.

"You will?" both girls ask simultaneously.

"Yes!" Carly shouts, temporarily forgetting her normal, ladylike behavior, and throwing herself at me. I snort.

"But," I say.

"What?! What?! No buts!! You said ok! We'll do anything!" She starts freaking out, thinking that I might back out, I guess, and I reach out a hand to steady her. Has Carls always been such a spaz?

Sam steps in.

"Chill out, Carls, Besides, he's probably going to ask you to do something that's totally not gonna happen, like for you to kiss him or something."

"First of all, I don't like Carly that way anymore, and second," I grin evilly at her before turning back to Carly. " the segment is about you giving me a 'makeover', right?"

"Yes." Carly replies uncertainly.

"Well then, don't you think it would just be so much better if all three of us got made over? It'd be so much more elaborate and it'd be a bonding experience," I add, using the power of persuasion to sway her choice.

Sam growls when she realizes where I'm going with this and glances anxiously at Carly.

Carly starts to smile and nod excitedly.

"Yeah, that would be great! And we can make the segment one whole iCarly, filming us at the mall, shopping and stuff, and then, for the final reveal, we'll have a fashion show, showing off our new looks!"

Sam looks like she's about to be sick and that almost makes up for me actually having to go through with this. What Carly was saying sounds awful and I'm starting to feel a bit queasy myself. Sometimes I really hate my girlier best friend.

"But Carly-" Sam tries to get out around the brunette's still accelerating babble.

"Isn't this great, Sam? This is going to be so much fun! I have to go plan! I'll be upstairs in the studio if you need me. Ham's in the fridge!"

As Carly practically dances up the stairs, Sam slowly turns to glare at me. I smirk, though feeling a bit uneasy inside.

"What?" I ask innocently, though it's obvious why she's mad.


A/N: reviews would be much appreciated, thanks. I'm a huge seddier and and I was heartbroken when iCarly not only ended(sort of) but also ended with Cruddie, oops I mean creddie! My bad. Haha.

The chapters will probably get longer, so don't be mad for the short one. This is only the beginning. Again, please review! And, if you want, leave the name of one of your own stories for me to read(of any genre-I'm not picky). I'll comment and vote and all that good stuff if I like it. Thanks!

~dustin the great~

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