Chapter 1: The Encounter

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When Richard got on the plain he that it would be a goody 2 showes fight but he was wrong. Richards mother was scard of flighing o Richard sat by his father and now he wish he sat with his mother. Richard managed two find out that his fathers work made a self shapeing key that his father kept in a inside pocket so Richard cant get it. "this is your captain speaking there will be major wind turpulance so keep sat down and buckled. Richard herd a large thud and suddenly the plain fell backward a large medle shard fell down impailing his father. Richard fell on his father barly missing the metel shard. DAD Richard called but his father was dead. WHAT IS WRONG with you dad Richard reached down to get the key he ran over to get the breifcase that his father broght with him. It was odd that his father didnt bring cloths ujust that danm breifcase. Richard Thomas Andersan. you do not run in the plain sit down! Shut up mom dad is dead and im going to find out what he was working on. Richard was strong even thogh he never loved his father he was still crying. He opend the breifcase and he saw nine peices of metel it did have blue prints it said to injecked them into your arms, hands, legs,feet,and torso. He panacked and just did it he didnt think he just did it and then it had 2 more to injecked in your eyes he did as it said and it hert. It knocked him out and now he knows how to use the metel peises the are teleporters for masive armor and he knows how to fly the plai like an expert. Ow that herts like hell! Richard yelled when he woke up . he ran two the pilot corters and he know how two fly WHAT THE HELL IS THAT the pilot said it was a tracker beam alians where abduckting him he look back and everyone was dead just bone he looked at the pilot was dead and than BANG.He know........he was in the alien ship

They Came on February 29Where stories live. Discover now