Chapter 1: The meetup

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I had finally arrived at the business meeting in Yorktown after a couple of hours travelling by train. I looked up at the huge building and took a deep breath as I walked off towards the front doors. I gently pressed my hand against the push door that was made out of glass, feeling my hot palm quickly warming up the cold glass while I pushed the door open. I took the elevator to the 5th floor and gently fixed my tie while I listened to the calming elevator music. The elevator took me to where I wanted to go and then I went off to the meeting room in the northern part of the building.

I opened the heavy wooden doors with iron handles to the room and I walked inside, seeing the big conference table and everyone sitting by it, looking up at me with smiles. "Ah there she is!" A friendly mans voice said as if he were to stand up and shake my hand but he just sat still in his chair like nothing. "Yeah yeah, I'm here. Let's get started." I simply said before sitting down in my chair. "Right." One of the other men said, he stood up on his feet and the meeting started. Since I was of no interest to hear what the man had to say or present, I just looked out the window to the side of me, staring out at the clear blue sky while I thought up a melody in my head. It wasn't until he mentioned a new member that he caught my attention. I snatched out of my paralysis of the blue sky and I looked over at him as a short looking girl in a black and white suit and a pair of nice looking glasses stood up by his side, her hair all short and coloured in bright pink colours.

He told her to introduce herself and she nodded, "My name is Nova." She said before looking down at me while I smiled at her. "I'm eighteen years old and I live close to Johnsburg in Illinois. I'm hoping I can be a big help to help this company grow and maybe reach more young people in its way." She said before sitting down in her chair again and the man thanked her. I just sighed and watched her, something about this girl caught my eye and I didn't really feel like leaving her out of my sight.
The meeting was over in less then an hour and everyone walked out, taking the elevator to the bottom floor before they would venture out in the world or go home to their families. I followed as well and as I left the building I felt someone grab my arm and drag me inside again. "Hey let go!" I said before looking back at who it was. I smiled to see the new girls face and I calmly placed myself in front of her as she let go of my arm." Oh.. It's you. Anything specific you need?" I asked, and her answer was simple. "Yes. I have something I want to discuss." Her glasses shone in the sun and the light reflected into my eyes.

I looked around us a bit and then I took her hand into mine before leading her towards my private  little office room on the bottom floor. I opened the wooden door and then I lead her in there, setting her down on a little white chair before locking the door and going to my own seat behind a desk. "So, what was it that you wanted to discuss with me? I hope it's important." I told her and she pushed her glasses up on her face a bit more while she stared at me.

Her eyes were ocean blue and they stared directly into my hazel looking eyes, I saw her blink a couple of times as I watched her before I looked away from her and onto my computer screen. I started typing something down and she seemed a bit flustered about it but then she seemed to move past it, looking up at a painting I had on the wall.
I sighed quietly and snapped my fingers which got her attention back to me. "Well?" Is said and she sighed herself. "Oh yes.. The thing I wanted to discuss." She muttered, she adjusted her tie and then she swallowed quietly as she stood up. "I was thinking, that maybe we could bring some more fun stuff to the business. Since I'm here to get the young people involved, it is my duty to try and get something out of this company that they'll like." She explained and I quietly scratched my cheek with my fingernails before asking. "Alright, and what do you suggest we get to get the young people to our business?" She rubbed her arm gently and sighed once more. "Well I haven't gotten that far in my plans. And that's where you come in! I figured... Maybe you could help me come up with an idea! What do you say?" She asked, smiling at me while I stood up on my feet. "I think that I would be able to manage that. I'll try to get you a business idea. Don't worry." I said, smiling before we then unlocked the door and went out of the office, just as the building, we exchanged phone numbers and then we went our different ways. "I'll see you some other time Nova." I said and she nodded, agreeing to what I said. "Yeah, call me if you need me."

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