"She leapt to her death from the very location Celeste and I had our first kiss."

"Poetic, I guess, in a creepy, vendetta kind of way."

"All these names, these lives, stolen so that Celeste might take her revenge. I suppose we have no choice but to see where they take us. Allie, I have to go. I'll call you back."

"Elijah, wait. I'm really sorry that you're going through this. If I had known that Celest had made you choose who to help--"

"You were going to die in that fire, Allie, along with my brother's child. There was no choice and you should know that. Klaus would approve. You and that baby should be the most important thing to us all and yourself. I promise we will find my brother and Rebekah," he said and I sniffled.

"Okay," I said and we hung up. I was feeling rather tired so I headed to our bedroom to sleep since I didn't really last night. The moment my head hit the pillow, my eyes closed.

"You never did anything to me. And the truth is, seeing you like this, I can't help but pity you," some red head was saying while caressing Klaus' face. I was standing on the other side of the bed Klaus was on and she was on the opposite side leaning down super close.

"Then betray the others and stand with me," Klaus replied. "I will reward you in ways you cannot fathom."

I gaped at him and went to hit him but as I did my hand went right through his arm. What the hell? Why can't I touch him? Wait, can he even see me? What's going on? "Klaus Mikaelson offering a deal to little ol' me?" The girl asked with a smile.

If she doesn't step away from him I'm gonna kill her. She needs to get her slimy hands off of his sexy face. And I will kick his ass later. I don't care that I know he's acting. He isn't the type to cheat on me. If he didn't want to be with me we wouldn't together and he'd be free to see whomever he wants despite the fact I'm pregnant. But Klaus loves me and I know that for sure. "I should be flattered," the girl continued. I'm gonna rip out ever red curl on her big ass head.

"But first... we need to have a talk about your sister," she whispered, ealning super closer to his lips so that their noses almost touched before leaned away. Yeah, you're lucky, bitch.

"Rebekah is of no concern to you. If you mean to harm her..." Klaus warned.

"Ah, the protective brother," she replied adn then it all faded to darkness and I closed my eyes and when I opened them I was staring at a ceiling. I looked around. I was in our bedroom. What the hell? Was that a dream? No. No way. It was so realistic. I mean besides the fact I couldn't touch him. God, I just practically saw him and I have no idea where he is cause I was obsessed on that stupid egghead freak hitting on my man.

I grabbed my phone and called Elijah quickly. "Allie? Are you okay?" He asked.

"I just had a dream. But it was weird. It was like I was with Klaus wherever he just was. Like in the present. This red head was touching his face and they were talking. I have no idea where he is. I was caught up watching her nearly come close to kissing him," I rushed out in a frenzy.

"What? Okay. Calm down. It was a like a vision in your sleep."

"Yeah, I was seeing everything, standing right next to him and he couldn't see me. I don't understand."

"Must be some type of magic."

"Do you think that witch is doing it on purpose?"

"She could be or the witch spirits are on our side and are trying to help us."

"I don't--" I was saying before I felt dizzy. I dropped my phone and laid back down. My eyes fluttering.

"Allie? Allison? Talk to me!" Elijah was yelling and my eyes closed again.

Taming The Hybrid (TVD. Klaus Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now