Middle School

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12 years old....

Janey and her friends were by Ann's locker all talking.

"So you are all invited to my sleepover birthday party, my mom said she would have all of the invitations ready by tomorrow," Ann said while pulling out her lunch box from her locker.

"There won't be any boys right?" Georgianna hoped.

"Why not just a few boys? Charles and Adam are cute right Janey?" Rachel said to Janey trying to get her on her side about having boys.

"Adam is nice, but Charlie is mean, don't invite him," Janey said to the group but mainly directing her statement to Ann.

Little did Jane know that the boys were in earshot. Charles heard what Janey said and his feelings were hurt. He knew he never did anything to make her like him but hearing it out loud was painful.

Eighth Grade March Madness

He was going to ask her. He had to ask her. He was going to ask her. Prepping himself up he went up to her.... He was too late.

Trevor the new kid got there first. ARRRGHH! Gosh darn it! He couldn't win. They would probably grow old and get married. What was he going to do now. He was going to make Trevor his best friend that's what.

Charles brought Cindy to the dance. Her brunette hair wasn't the same, neither was her green eyes. No matter what he did he couldn't get Janey out of his head. The whole time dancing with Cindy he had his eyes on Janey and Trevor dancing. Trevor made her laugh. Grrrrr...

Later that night, he had his first kiss...and it was with the wrong girl. He was just trying to get her out of his head.

"Cindy wait!" He said before she left the school to go to the parking lot where her mom would pick her up. They were in the lobby and no one was really out there at the moment. So he leaned in and kissed her. It was weird. Lips on lips. It wasn't a peck but it wasn't making out exactly.

Trevor and him actually had a lot in common. But that means if they had a lot in common why couldn't he get along with Janey?

Why were girls so frickin complicated?!

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