I should've died

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I Should've died, by AriPlays

"Here today lies Karina Moon, daughter of Alpha of Blood Moon pack. She was beaten to the breaking point of insanity and after 2 years of search her scent was gone, as now she is declared dead."

The priest chirped his words dispair in the air and I listened to it from the height to the cliffs. The air was rigid and frost clung onto my skin as people thought I out of everyone was dead.

I escaped the beatings after my father had gone insane, but war is leaking out because of me the biggest mistake alive. The reason is I can see parts or snippets of the future not to mention I have yet to shift nor can I ever hear my wolf again. The guilt has sunk into my heart and I have dug myself a grave for being as young as 15. Let's see how war takes it turn on me will it kill me too, or will I continue to roam this world, alone, scared, and the biggest mistake alive.

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