Livers and Love (Merome One Shot)

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Hey guys! I feel bad for not updating my stories. So, here's a one shot while you wait! The pairing is Bajan Canadian x ASF Jerome.

Set in real life.

Also, I don't really know why Jerome says he eats people's livers. Tell me if you know, and I'll fix the story.

*WARNING: Gore, Angst (A little at the end), Feels may explode.*


*Jerome's POV*

Mitch and I were recording more Hunger Games. Currently, I was chasing a guy in a Cookie Monster skin to try and chop him up with my axe.

He was getting farther from me. Mitch told me to forget about the guy, but I told him, "I need to go chop him up and eat his liver!"

Mitch chuckled. I smiled to myself. I loved his laugh. I also don't know why I say I want to eat people's livers.

It sounds fun though...

After about ten more minutes, we ended the recording. I noticed that it was getting dark outside.

"So what you doing now?", Mitch asked. I thought about my answer.

"I think I might go outside for a bit. I'll see you later biggums.", I replied.

"Bye!", he said. I exited the call and closed Skype.

I padded over to my kitchen, and opened my knife drawer. I took one out and examined it closely. My eyes were the things that my reflection showed. There was a glint of something in my eyes...

Something animalistic...

I shrugged it off. I grabbed an oversized black hoodie, threw it on, and hid the knife in my sleeve. I exited my house, a wide grin set on my face.

*The Next Morning*

I turned the television on to the news. A reporter lady was talking about a recent murder.

"Recently, a young girl at the age of fifteen was murdered and found in her home. The police have inspected and found that her liver was missing. She was also stabbed in her heart. On her wall was written in blood the letters 'ASFJ'. If you know anyone who migh-", I turned off the TV. I started gigling. Then it led to me laughing. I was soon cackling like a maniac.

I had made sure that I left no evidence.

*One Week Later*

I had been killing people and taking their livers everyday for the past week. The police had officially dubbed me as the Liver Killer.

I felt good about myself.

*Mitch's POV*

Jerome and I were playing another round of Hunger Games.

I had watched the news, and noticed that every victim had their hearts stabbed, livers ripped out, and the wall always had the letters 'ASFJ'. I know those letters from somewhere... But from where?

Jerome was Top Bacca, with ten kills. I noticed that something was off with him. Every time he got a kill, he would laugh maniacally.

I saw he was running through a bunch of cacti to try and get to a person in a girl skin.

"Imma eat your liver!", he yelled.

I froze.


No, it can't be. Could it?

'PieLord667979 (Random name) Was Slain By ASF Jerome' 'Death Match Starts in 60 Seconds' appeared in the chat.

ASF Jerome... ASFJ.

I gasped. Jerome stopped laughing and made his character look at me.

"Something wrong, biggums?", he asked. His character walled towards mine.

"You- you're the Liver Killer.", I whispered.


Then, he laughed. Crazily, maniacally, evilly.

I killed him while he was going crazy.

Then, he stopped. He had exited Skype and the game.

*Back To Jerome*

Mitch had figured me out. I had stopped my recording, exited the game, and also Skype. I got my knife and my hoodie and threw it on, then headed to Mitch's house.

I rung the doorbell and he opened it. I said with an evil grin, "Hello biggums."

He eyed the knife in my hand. "H-hi.", he stuttered.

"Can I come in?", I asked sweetly.

"S-sure.", he replied. Afterwards, he looked like he wanted to punch himself.

I smiled at him. I walked past him and into his living room, where I sat on the couch. He followed. He sat on the same couch, scooting as far away as he could.

"Why do you do it?", he questioned.

My grin widened, if that was possible. "I'm just getting the livers of those who play Hunger Games with us." It was true, the people I kill are the ones I kill in Minecraft Hunger Games. I killed the ones that I found lived near me.

He closed his eyes. "Since I had killed you in the other game, I'm guessing that's why you're here.", he whispered.

"My, my, biggums. Aren't you smart?", I said. I moved closer to him. He opened his eyes, which were tearing up.

"Please, Jerome! Don't do this! Stop all this madness!", he yelled. His voice cracked at the end.

I stroked his arm. "Now, why should I do that?", I asked.

"Because... Because I love you Jerome!", he yelled out.

I froze. He- he loves me?

"You do?", I asked, looking into his eyes.

He nodded. "Yes, I do. I have for a while now. Finding out you do this hurts me! Please stop this Jerome.", he pleaded.

I looked down. When I looked back up, I dropped my knife and hugged him. "I can't promise anything, but I will try to stop.", I paused. "Oh, and Mitch?"

"Yes?", he asked, stroking my head.

"I love you too."

*Three Months Later- Third Person's POV*

All the killings had stopped. Nobody had died, except two.

Police tape had been wrapped around the fence surrounding the home of Mitch Hughes.

In the bedroom of the house laid the bodies of Mitch and Jerome.

Both bodies were shirtless. Their lips were red and swollen. Jerome had died hugging Mitch, laying on his chest.

Carved in Mitch's arm was the name 'Jerome'. Jerome's had Mitch's.

Jerome had stabbed himself, Mitch had his liver and his heart missing.

Both of them were smiling in their deaths.

On the wall were the words 'ASF Jerome Loves TheBajanCanadian', written in blood.

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