Chapter 19

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Finally, the exams were over, and I feel kind of confident. Our graduation is coming up, and that's it for high school. We're all talking about what colleges we're going to, but for some reason Kou kept quiet. He always seemed uncomfortable with us talking about that certain subject and nobody knows why. Maybe he's not going to college? Who knows...

"Ah, finally." I sighed as I stood up from my seat and stretched while everybody rushed out of the class. "Kou." I say turning around to him, but it seemed as if he didn't hear me. He put his books in his bag.

"Mabuchi Kou." I flick him in the forehead as he flinches up. "Oh, sorry, yes?

"Are you okay? You've been acting weird these days."

"I'm fine, really, no need to worry." He places his hand on my head and kisses my cheek.

"Kou. A simple kiss on the cheek is not going to make me stop asking you what's wrong."

He stares at me for a while, then suddenly pulls me in his arms.

"Kou? Wh-what's wrong?"

"I love you..." He says, in a small, cracked voice as if he was crying.

"Kou..." I pull away and saw that he was crying. "Kou? What's wrong? What happened?"

He grabs my hand and pulls me out of the classroom without saying a word, taking me outside.


Once we were outside, he stuck his hand in his pocket and handed some folded paper to me.

"I meant to give this to you..." He said, lifting up his head trying to not cry anymore. "...a few days ago...but I couldn't. It was too hard."

I looked at the paper, anxiously unfolding it. What could it be? A breakup letter or something?

"Congratulations!" It said in the bold title.
"Mabuchi Kou, I am proud to inform you that you have been accepted in Tokyo University."

I stopped...because that was all I could read. Tears began to roll down my cheeks as I began to fold the paper again and quickly hand it to him.

"Congratulations Kou!" I say, trying my best to smile. "I'm really proud of you..." Sobbing in my hands, I kneel down to the ground and hug my knees.


"2,000 miles away." I say, looking up, "That's awesome."

He puts his arm around me and pulls me to lean my head on his shoulder. "Why didn't you tell me..."

"I couldn't. It was too hard to wipe that smile off you're face....I'm leaving the day after graduation day."

I clench my fist and take a deep breath, "I don't know why but I already feel like you're gone. It hurts, it really does." I pause, trying my best to smile, "But really Kou, Congratulations. You deserve it."

"I'm still thinking if I should go or not though."

"But you're the one who applied for it?—"

"My brother suggested it, no matter how much I wanted to rejected it he convinced me that it was good for my future. But seeing you now, seeing us now...what's the point of a good future if you're not part of it?"

"Kou, go. No matter how much I want you to stay with me here, just please go. I want you to be happy."

"Happy? Y/N, how am I supposed to be happy without you?"

"Kou, admit it, you want to go. I know you, I know you well enough that you want to go. I don't want to be the reason you're holding back on one of the most best colleges."

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