I'm Going to Make it Alright Somehow.

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In a re-occouring nightmare Simon endures every night he dreams about the life he and Alvin left behind. After their singing career started falling apart, Dave became verbally abusive to the boys. Theodore took it the hardest and always blamed his self for the meltdown of their career. Theodore ran away and begged Alvin and Simon to go with him. They refused at first, but once Dave started selling their things online they knew what had to be done.

One night after a dinner that had turned into a screaming match, Alvin and Simon had decided enough was enough. They packed a few days worth of clothes, some money, and a few things that were important to them. They remained silent while they got ready to leave under the cover of darkness.

The brothers walked out of the back door after Dave had passed out drunk. They walked in silence until Alvin spoke as he grabbed ahold of Simon's hand, "I promise that I'm going to find a way to make everything alright. I refuse to live like this, this isn't a paper back novel. Who says that we can't rewrite an ending that would benefit us?"

Simon looked to his brother and replied, "You don't have to take on that burden on your own. I'll always have your back no matter what. That's what brothers are for. I'll always be right here."

Simon pulled out a post card that had an address written on it and the words, "Come and live with me. You won't regret it, love Theodore." Simon held the post card close to his heart and whispered, "Soon we'll be reunited with you. No matter what it takes, I know that we'll be together just like old times. Even if we have to move back to the forrest."

Alvin let go of Simon's hand as a slight frown appeared across his face. Alvin stated, "Give me your phone. Dave can track us if we still have them."

Simon handed over his phone and Alvin threw it on the ground then began to stomp on the devices. The boys continued to walk until they were exhausted.

They found a cheap motel and paid for a room. The only available room was a small room with one bed and no luxuries. Alvin and Simon got into their bed clothes and crawled under the covers.

Simon nervously whispered, "Alvin, I hope that we are doing the right thing."

Alvin looked his brother in the eyes and responded, "Even if we didn't, I refuse to go back to that hell hole and be forced to endure Dave's constant degrading words. I always knew that he doesn't like me, but when you mess with my brothers I get mad. When I get mad I take action. I think that we're doing the right thing."

Simon turned on his other side and gripped the blankets tightly. He closed his eyes and drifted off to a restless slumber. Alvin and Simon were awakened by a knock on the door. They knew that they had to vacate the area or have to pay for another night.

Simon got out of bed and walked to the door. He opened it and an old man stated, "I'm sorry, but it's check out time for you. I don't care where you go, but you can't stay here without payin'." Simon got dressed for the day and put everything into his back pack then exited the room with Alvin at his side. Both boys were still weary of the well being and location of Theodore. It had been almost a month and a half since they received a post card from him.

Alvin and Simon continued their journey from California to Nevada in search of their brother. They both knew that there would be no turning back no matter what. They couldn't handle the verbal abuse that Dave forced them to endure. Come hell or high water, they would be reunited with Theodore.

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