Mothers Know What's Best Most of The Time

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When Tracy came home that day Edna hugged her, she had been wanting to make it up to her daughter for weeks because of the awful things she had said back in the past before she was comfortable in her own body, but she still only worried for her daughter. "Tracy, honey, you don't have to sign yourself to his agent. I'll get you a professional." Edna told her daughter, "No Ma, I want to sign myself to Link's! You've been great, really but I just need a bigger, more professional agent. And that just means I need to leave you by senior year, so when the school year starts we're done..Okay mom?" Tracy answered her mother. Edna only sighed, "Alright, hon." 

"Ma, can we go out for dinner?" Tracy asked, Edna thought about it, "Well if you're father says he'll come then yes. If he leaves that shop for five minuets." This only made Tracy sigh, "Mom. I'm going to call Link..Also can I have a phone in my room? Pretty please???" Tracy practically begged her mother. "I'll think about it." Edna said, Tracy then dialed Link's number on the phone, she couldn't help but smile every time he answered it. "Hey," He would say, then Tracy would ask if he was okay and if she could go out with him that night and he would say, "Trace, I can't." or "Of course, Trace." This time Tracy didn't want the first answer. She had planned for her mom to see Link on the better, more gentlemanly side, since the first meeting made him look like a player. Tracy's wishes came true, she asked mother, "Ma! When are we going out?" and her mother replied a simple, "5:40." and that's what Tracy repeated to Link. 

Penny Lou Pingleton, here you are. Alone. With a man of color. But he's so beautiful. Penny Lou. No. It's not right. Penny Lou, why would you go against you're mother's desire? Penny Lou, why are you so naive, gullible, stupid? But in love. It is love, Penny Lou. Penny Lou Pingleton, you are in love. She heard her brain scream, she was practically crying now. Tears flooding down her cheeks as the thoughts continued, Penny Lou Pingleton, you have to tell her. The old woman shouldn't care as long as you are happy, Penny Lou Pingleton. You need to tell you're mother that you are dating this colored gentleman, that you rebelled against her racist thoughts. That you are pro-integration. She would punish you. Penny Lou Pingleton, why? Penny Lou. Go call Tracy. Tracy can always help you. It's good thing you didn't tell Tracy the awful thing, Amber's horrible. All because she wants Link back? There must be more reason..Seaweed and you should figure it out, Penny Lou..But what if he- Penny's thoughts were interrupted.

"PENNY LOU PINGLETON!" shouted the voice of mother, the young girl's eyes flashed towards her mother who was holding a baseball bat and a jump rope, "Explain to me why a dirty, filthy, ugly, negro is in YOUR room." she screamed, Penny's eyes were puffy from crying. Seaweed stood up to defend her, "Ma'am, I know it looks wrong but Mrs. Pingleton, I love you're daughter. She is the most beautiful white chick I ever seen!" he said trying to make the woman drop the play equipment. It didn't work. Mrs. Pingleton slapped him, "Get out of my house! Stay away from my daughter, and Penny, dear Penny, YOU WILL BE SEEING MORE THAN JUMP ROPE AND BASEBALL BAT!" the older woman snapped, Seaweed's eyes widened. So this is her mother. A horrible, racist woman..How can this be? He thought to himself. Mrs. Pingleton slapped him again, "You get out of here you dirty Negro!" Penny stood in front of Seaweed, "Mother stop! I LOVE HIM!" she screeched. "Penny, please! You are simply in the heat of the moment! Ever since that stupid show integrated you've been doing nothing but talking to Negros!" Mrs. Pingleton said, "Mom, I'm not! I love Seaweed, I loved him before and I love him still!" 

These words stung in Mrs. Pingleton's brain, My daughter loves a colored man. She's been damned. My precious Penny Lou, a devil. DEVIL'S CHILD! DEVIL CHILD. DEVIL CHILD. DEVIL CHILD!  She's been cursed, God, my god, I hope he forgives me for this.. "Penny Lou Pingleton, I hereby decree that you may be allowed to see this colored man." Seaweed and Penny hugged, kissed her, she kissed back, Mrs. Pingleton smiled slightly, maybe she was wrong..Maybe black people aren't too bad. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2016 ⏰

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