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(Matt's POV)

I woke up feeling like horrible. It's not unusual for me to feel like this because I always hated school but this time it's different. It's worse actually. I look at the clock and realize I'm about to be late again. I just roll my eyes, get up, and walk to my closet to get some clothes.

I get dressed real fast and run down the stairs and I see my mom at the table eating breakfast. I go over to her and give her a kiss on the cheek. "Good morning mom." I say to her. She turns around to look at me and gives me a smile.

"Well hello son. How are you feeling?"
"Good." I say while giving her a fake smile.
"Well that's good, would you like anything to eat?"
"No thanks mom, I'm just gonna head out." I tell her while heading towards the door.
"Okay oh and by the way, I'll be getting home late like around twelve or one so just get something to eat for dinner. Love you!"
"K. Love you too." I yell back while closing the door.

I start walking to school and take out my earphones. I plug it into my phone and go on Pandora. I pick the "Today's Hits" station and wait for the song to start playing.

"It's been a long day, without you my friend, and I'll tell you all about it when I see you again.
We've come a long way from where we've began. Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again."

That song is actually pretty good. I'll have to remember the name. It makes me happy yet sad at the same time.

Once I get to school I take out my earphones and put them away. As I'm heading to my locker I see one of the vice principals, Miss. Ruiz (pic at the top), talking to a kid about his class schedule but I can't see the student who is most likely new. After getting to my locker and putting in my combination I start pulling it open just to have a hand push on it and slam it shut. Oh no.

"Hey...Matthew. How you doing?" I hear Cameron say. I turn around to see both him and Nash standing there smiling at me. And no, not in a friendly way.
"Please Cameron not today..." I say my voice cracking at the end. I don't know why, probably because I feel extra sad today, but I'm already about to cry.
"Are you kidding me. We didn't even do shit to you yet and you're going to cry already. really are pathetic." He said turning to look at Nash. "What do you say....should we let him off the hook?" Cam asks him not really asking but doing it just to tease me.
"Hmm....let me think," Nash says playing along, "Nope."
Tears roll down my face as Cameron turns his head towards me. He's had his hand on my chest this whole time so I couldn't move away. As he raises his hand to punch me I close my eyes and wait for it to connect.

"Hey! Nash, Cameron, principals office, now." Miss Ruiz says. I open my eyes to see her standing there with the new kid who's face I still couldn't see, but that wasn't important right now.
"But..." Cameron starts trying to argue for them but Miss. Ruiz cuts him off immediately.
"No but's. Go. Now." Cameron looks back at me and gives me a cruel look. Man...if looks could kill. Then he looks at Nash and they start walking towards Mr. Parker 's office. Miss. Ruiz then looks at me and says, "How about you come with me Matthew." while giving me a smile. I just nod my head and we walk to her office I go in first and sit in a chair in front of her desk. She tells the other kid to wait outside and then closes the door and walks to her chair across from me.

"So do you want to tell me what happened?" She asks but I just sit there not saying anything. "Matthew if you want me to help I need to know everything, all I saw was him raising his hand to hit you, which he will be punished for that. But if there is anything more then you need to tell me." This is why I like Miss. Ruiz. She actually cares for us. She talks to all the students. That's why she knew mine, Cameron, and Nash's names. If she sees some one upset she tries to cheer them up. And if she sees someone doing something bad she'll try to make them see what they did was wrong. She is just a really good person.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2016 ⏰

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