The Dream of Stars

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Where am I?
How did I get here?

I try to move but something holds me back....

What is it?

Is somebody there?
Or is it something?

What is out there?

Please let me go....

I wish to be free....

But now there is something new in this strange dream....

Is this even a dream?
Or is it real life?

I try to open mt eyes but all I see is darkness....
Maybe I have a blindfold on....

What if I'm not allowed to see?

I desperately want to know....

Please let me see....

Why are you doing this?
Why are you making me feel so alone?

I try and open my eyes again....
This time I don't see pitch black....

No instead I see stars....
Billions and billions of stars....

Its like I'm in space....
I see all the different planets.....
From the small to big ones....
From the closest to the sun to little Pluto out in the distance....

But something is off....

Not only I see stars and planets....
I see people....

Now isn't that strange?

I see people flying around....
As if they are dancing....

Dancing with the stars and planets....
Telling me a story....

It is quite beautiful and unbelievable....

But my eyes soon close again....
And I am back to darkness....

And this time when I open them again....
I am in my bed....
Under the covers....

But something is off....
Once again....

I'm not in my pajamas....
No instead I'm in a beautiful flowing dress....

And on this dress....
All those billions and billions of stars....
Along with the planets....
And all those people dancing....
Telling a story....

I really don't know if that was a dream or not....
But one thing for sure....
I would like to see all of that again....

All of those billions and billions of stars....
The planets from small to big....
From the closest to the sun to little Pluto out in the distance....
And all of those people dancing....
Telling me a story....

The Stars of the SkyWhere stories live. Discover now