Freshmen 15

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My stomach let out a loud gurgling sound. "Blaine are you alright? Your stomach sounds like the Phantom of the Opera." Said Kurt as he chopped up some celery. "Uh yeah i'm just feeling a little gassy is all." I Said. My stomach churned and i let out a thundering burp. "Excuse me." I Said as i grabbed my stomach. "Oh no i hope my food didn't make you sick." Said Kurt. He walked up to me from behind the counter and felt my forehead. "Maybe i shouldn't have put so much cheese in it." Said Kurt. "Kurt i'm fine, it's just a little gas." I Said pulling his hand away from my head. He gave me a suspicious look. "Oh, okay if you're sure." Said Kurt. He then plunged his hand onto my stomach, causing me to let out a loud burp. "See! You're bloated and you know it." Said Kurt. "Bloated? What's that supposed to mean?" I Said. Kurt cleared his throat then went back behind the counter and continued to cut the celery. "Nothing it's just that you've been snacking an awful lot lately." Said Kurt. I stood up in shock. "Are you saying you think i'm fat?" I Said. Kurt started to nervously chop away at the celery once there was nothing left to chop. "No no Blaine of course not! You've just picked up a few pounds is all." Said Kurt. "Kurt, is my extra weight bothering you?" I Said. Kurt put down the knife and made eye contact with me. "Blaine i would love you if you were 200 pounds. The weight doesn't bother me but your new attitude does. That's why we haven't been very intimate lately." Said Kurt. My jaw dropped. "So because I've gotten fat you find me repulsive and don't wanna have sex with me?" I Said on the verge of tears. "You're not fat! But even if you were i'd still find you attractive. You've just gained a little weight it's nothing major. And that's not why, we've not have sex because of your increasing appetite. Sometimes I feel like you'd rather have a cheeseburger than kiss me." Said Kurt. "That is so not true!" I Said. "Well it sure seems that way! Your snacking problem is getting out of hand." Said Kurt. I let tear escape my right eye. "You know what? If you need me i'll be in my room eating, because apparently that's what i do best." I Said. And i stormed off to my room, shut and locked the door.


Great, another argument. I pull my phone out of my pocket and call Rachel. 

"Hey what's up Kurt?"

"Oh nothing, other than the fact that I've made my fiance self-conscious in less than two minutes. I think that's a record."

"Another fight? What did you say that made him so upset?"

"It started out small with me saying he was bloated from the cheesy dish i made last night, then it escalated to where he thought i called him fat." 

"You called him fat?!"

"What?! No! I would never! I just said he was bloated....and that he put on a few pounds."

"You of all people should know to never say that to woman or gay man. It's like, the law"

"Well it wasn't like i was trying to hurt him, and he has gained weight. I was just trying to address the problem because he's been eating nonstop."

"If you love Blaine you need to sit him down and talk to him calmly about it. Say you're concerned, but try not to use blaming words."

"Too late for that...."

"Oh god what else did you tell him?"

"That his snacking problem was getting out of control."

"You sir, are in deep trouble."

"Yeah i know, i just wish i knew how to dig myself out of it."

"The only thing you can do now is talk to him and hope he understands."

"Thanks Rachel, i'll give it a try."

We said our goodbyes then hung up. I walked over to Blaine's door, and knocked. "Blaine open up it's me." I Said. "Sorry but the fat blob wants to be left alone." Said Blaine. "Oh come on don't be like this. You know i love you." I Said. "If you did you wouldn't be grossed out by me." Said Blaine. "I'm not grossed out by you! Blaine i'm sorry for what i said. I should've brought up such a sensitive subject in a better way, a way that doesn't blame you so much." I Said. "Too little too late. You've already made yourself clear about how i'm a pig." Said Blaine. "You're not a pig, whatever you're going through that's making you stuff your feelings behind food is obviously eating you up on the inside. Why can't you just talk to me about this?" I Said. "I'm not stuffing behind any feelings, but even if i was it's not like you'd understand." Said Blaine. "Fine be that way, when you're ready to talk you know where to find me." I Said. 


Kurt's wrong, i don't have a problem with food. Sure i have a sweet tooth but it's not that bad. I sighed then grabbed my pants. I managed to pull them up but i heard a rip come from my behind. I looked in the mirror and saw a huge tare on my butt. "Oh no." I Said. What was worse was my muffin top and bulging stomach. My stomach fat practically made the button disappear. I walked up to the mirror and gasped in horror at what was my body. I pinched a piece of fat from my stomach and was instantly disgusted. "No wonder Kurt thinks i'm a cow. I'm huge!" I Muttered to myself. 


I called up Sam seeking advice, thinking maybe he'd know what to do.

"Hey bro what's up?"

"My chances of being single, what about you?" 

"Something tells me you and Blaine are at it again."

"You'd be right. We got in an argument over Blaine's weight gain now he's upset."

"Why'd you call him fat in the first place? Isn't that like the one word you're never supposed to say to a girl or gay guy?"

"(sighs) Yes but i didn't say he was fat, i said he was bloated."

"Well there's your problem. Just try to not make comments about his weight, you have to make him lose weight without him knowing." 

"Hmm sounds interesting but how am i supposed to do that? He's shoveling junk in his mouth every five minutes."

Sam then explained to me how get Blaine back in shape, without him even knowing. I think this plan just might work.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2016 ⏰

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