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I woke up in dim lite room, which I guessed was the living room cause I was laying on a couch. I lifted myself off the couch and started to stretch, I walked out of the living into the kitchen where Shawn was sitting drinking... wine? No. He's underage, I think he was drinking some red soda. "Shawn?" I called waiting for his response; "Hm?"

"What's that smell?" I wrinkled my nose in disgust, I saw him smirk "Your smelling dead bodies... speaking of those do you wanna help me bury em'?" He asked with amusement showing all over his face, I was quite horrified "Shawn? What?!"

He's smirk turned into a smile "What did you expect? I'm kidnapper and killer. Did you forget?" He asked trying to keep himself from laughing "N-no. I just... I just thought... never mind." I groan "Also, I'm not helping you bury the bodies. I want no part!" I yelled staking off to the bathroom.

I closed the door behind me and looked at myself in the mirror; I had bags under my eyes and cut mark on my face. I looked horrible! I turned on the faucet water and washed the cut, while I was washing my face I heard some loud noise coming from the living room. "You! How dare you take my girlfriend!?" It sounded like Luke.

My heart raced I needed to get out of here, I opened the door and saw Luke and the cops! "Luke!" I screamed running towards him and hugging him "you two get out of here we can handle this." One police officer stated.

I caught a glimpse of Shawn, he was smirking.


Kidnapped by Shawn Mendes | CompletedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt