Chapter 2

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When we finally arrived at Pony's house I got to meet everyone. I finally knew all of their names. It was funny because out of the three brothers, Darry was the only one with a normal name. I rather liked Sodapop's name. It was cute. I mean so was Ponyboy's but I like Sodapop's name better.

"So what are we having for dinner?" I asked.

"Oh were having instant macaroni and chocolate cake," Steve answered. Man these boys read my mind. I love macaroni! And who doesn't love chocolate cake? (Well I mean I'm sure there are people out there who don't like it and I gotta feel for them lactose intolerant people too I guess.... ANYWAY) Ponyboy passed out the food on plates. I guess he's the one who made the macaroni while Soda make the cake. It all looked really good.

"Wow, thanks guys!" I thanked them all for having me for dinner. My dad would have just ordered take out again and made me clean up after him. I was so glad that I didn't have to be at home right now tending to my father's every wants and needs. "I'm so glad I don't have to be home right now. You guys practically rescued me for the night," I smiled and put a mouth full of macaroni in my mouth. All the boys just kind of looked at each other in an uncomfortable manner. I tilted my head.

"Sweetheart, does your daddy hurt you?" Darry asked concerned.

"Yeah, but don't all daddy's hurt their kids from time to time?" I asked.

"Well no, they don't." Darry said. At that I swallowed my food and tilted my head just a little more.

"What do you mean?"

"Daddy's aren't suppose to hurt their little girls... If you ever need a place to stay, you can stay here with me, Pony, and Soda if you'd like,"

"Really?? Could I stay here tonight then? I really don't want to go home... I was sad earlier when you guys left,"

"Yeah that's fine," Darry smiled and everyone else looked down. Maybe this is why I had no other friends,  because people didn't want to hear about my home life. I didn't ever think anything of it because I knew everyone had problems, but I guess I had it rough? One thing if for sure, I hated my dad and I wish he was dead. I was sick and tired of him always yelling and hitting me. I had a big bruise on my face from him hitting me earlier today. I think everyone knew where it was from but they wanted to keep the mood lively instead of depressing.

"You know, I've never had a sleep over before! This will be fun and my dad probably won't even know I am missing so it's all good!" I smiled. "Do you guys have pillows and blankets? Or should I go home and get some?"

"No. Don't go home. We have plenty here," Pony told me.

"Yeah and Johnny is also spending the night so we could all party and watch a movie or something!" Soda grinned. He had nice smile.

"Sweet!!!" I was excited. Maybe then I might be able to hear that guy talk or something. Time had passed and everyone started to leave because it was getting late. The only people that remained was Soda, Darry, Pony, Johnny, and me.

"I'm going to bed. I've got work in the morning and so does Soda. Pony, Johnny, (Y,N), don't stay up too late," Darry told us.

"Alrighty, we won't," I assured. Darry smiled at me. I could tell that he really took a liking to me. I was glad too. Maybe Darry could be like the father I've always wanted. He really fit the title too... Father.

"So what should we do first??" Pony asked and smiled.

"Lets make a blanket fort!" Yeah, yeah, I was 15 but my childhood was kind of taken away from me when my mom died so it was fun to have a little innocent fun here and there.

"Okay!" Ponyboy smiled. I looked over at Johnny and he was smiling too. I'm glad. He looked a lot cuter when he actually smiled.

So we went and collected as many blankets as we could without disturbing Soda or Darry. We also got a flashlight so we could see inside the fort after we made it.

"This is so much fun!" I whispered to Pony and Johnny.

"You're so much fun to be around," Johnny looked at me and smiled. Wow, I never thought I'd see the day when Johnny opened his mouth to talk. Johnny smiled and me. I wanted to cry at that moment because no one had ever told me that before. I was always unwanted, but not this time. All I did was smile back at Johnny.

We had finally collected all the blankets from around the house, aside from the ones Darry and Soda were using of course. We made our blanket fort. It was huge! It was like the best blanket fort I had ever made. My mom use to build me blanket forts to hide in when I was a little girl. I really liked them for that reason.

After the blanket fort was built we looked around for a deck of cards so we could play Poker. Preferably Texas Hold'em. When we found the cards, we quickly shut of all the lights, turned the flashlight on and went into the blanket fort. I got to be the dealer first.

After about and hour of cards we decided to do something else. Pony suggested Truth or Dare.

"Seriously Pony? Isn't that a bit of a girl's game?" I laughed at him.

"Well you are a girl after all," Pony said jokingly.

"Okay, okay, point taken. So who's going to start?"

"You," Pony told me. Of course.

"Aw man. Alrighty. Pony, truth or dare?" I asked Pony first because I didn't know what to asked Johnny.

"Ummm... Dare," Pony smirked.

"Okay, but you're going to regret it. I dare you to lick the bottom of your foot," I smirked back.

"Ugh. Gross, but okay," Pony took his right sock off and worked up as much flexibility as he had and barely licked his foot. "There."

"Hahaha. Okay good enough,"

"Johnny, truth or dare?" Pony asked.

"Uh-um... Truth," Johnny stuttered a bit.

"It is true you think (Y,N) is pretty?"

"..." Johnny drew a blank. Maybe this was why he was so shy. Maybe he liked me. Probably not though. It would be nice if he did though because I kind of liked Johnny.

"Well?" Pony asked.

"W-well... Yes..." Johnny said shyly and blushed. This made me blush pretty hard and I stared at Johnny for a little bit. Johnny quickly changed the subject. "Pony t-truth or dare??"


"Is it true that YOU think (Y,N) is pretty?" Johnny asked. Boy was he creative.

"Well yeah. I think she's pretty. I like her as more of a sister though. So don't get any ideas Johnny!" Pony said. I was glad he liked me in a brotherly/sisterly was. I didn't have any siblings and it would be cool to have some. "Alright, (Y,N), truth or dare?" He smirked.

"Dare," I smirked back. I was awaiting his challenge. I knew he wouldn't make me do anything too bad.

"I dare you... To kiss Johnny!"

My heart skipped  beat. "Kiss J-Johnny?" I gulped.

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