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((The gif on top Ashton's really,,, , gettin in there,, ,, , u go Glen Coe


Michael's in the studio again, bored as he literally watches paint dry across the canvases. He's got a beer in one hand, staring out the window on one of the couches, back to the door. The sky is gray. It's dull, but it calms him. Bright colors spark Seventeen's curiosity and makes her come out, so he's glad for the cloud covered sky.

There's two knocks on the door before the other person pushes in anyway. Michael doesn't turn around when the door closes again. After a couple seconds, Ashton pads over in his white socks and takes a seat next to Michael on the couch. Michael doesn't move at first, because something in the sky shifts and a low rumble crawls through the sky, thunder rolling over the city lowly.

"Beer?" Michael offers once it stops, gesturing to the six pack left on the coffee table in front of him with the bottom of his own bottle.

Ashton pauses for a second like he's considering it, before he shakes his head and mumbles, "Can't." Michael shrugs again and tilts the bottle up to his mouth carefully. The liquid burns his throat and Ashton watches him drink for a second. "You told me you didn't drink."

"Twenty," Michael says softly, gently like he's trying not to scare Ashton off again. "Twenty doesn't drink. They're too young."

Ashton nods slowly and turns back to the window. There's a flash of lightening skittering across the dark sky, then another grumble of thunder before Ashton speaks again. "I looked into it," he announces. "What you have, I mean. I looked it up and all. Cal helped me."

Michael takes another drink instead of mentioning how Calum is suddenly Cal, now that Michael's out of the picture.

"It's real, I'm sorry I said it wasn't," Ashton mumbles

"It's fine," Michael assures him. He's not really in the mood to listen to Ashton grovel and apologize. He wants to watch the storm and try to keep Twenty at bay. They're angry, Michael can feel it at the back of his head, with Ashton this close. He's not afraid of Twenty, he can control them. He allows Twenty out, not the other way around.

"No, I-" Ashton cuts off and sighs. "I acted like a real prick, I'm sorry. It's just-" he stops again and abruptly turns his attention back to the giant window.

There's a few strikes of lightening that spiderweb across the sky and the same amount of deep rumbles echoing around the city. It hasn't rained yet, despite how dark the clouds are, but Michael doesn't mind. A sharp flash of light shines through the window and illuminates both of their faces for a second, quickly followed by a crack of thunder that seems to shake the whole building.

Ashton lets out a startled noise, then blurts out, "Michael, I'm pregnant."

Michael brings the bottle up to his lips again and takes a swig. He keeps the beer in his mouth just long enough for it to tickle his gums, not looking away from the storm outside. "Get rid of it," he advises.

"I can't," Ashton replies instantly. "I tried, trust me, I tried. I'm past four months, so they won't do it, anymore."

"Fall down some stairs," Michael replies dryly. Something sharp stabs at his skull and he drops his head to the feeling of Nine beating against him, screaming and crying, shouting his hatred for Michael. Michael has to remind himself that Ashton can't hear it. He silences Nine by looking back up and taking another drink.

"That's what happened to your mom, isn't it?" Ashton asks. Michael flinches. "I looked into that, too. She had a miscarriage, right? Because your dad pushed her down the stairs." Ashton pauses and a crack of thunder echoes through the studio again. "Are you doing to push me down the stairs?"

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