There were about seven people who occupied the room other than Kai and I. They didn't even fill up half the chairs around the table.

I cleared my throat and studied everyone. Kai saw my awkward position, so he continued to introduce everyone.

He started on the left and went down the row. "Okay, well, on the end over there is Aether, deity of light."

 Aether waved. His platinum white hair fell in his eyes as he looked at me.

"Next to him is Ananke, goddess of compulsion-"

She gave me a bored stare.

 "-and Pontus, the first god of the sea," Pontus nodded his head, and I noticed shells resting in his curly salt and pepper hair.

"You already know Hemera," she smiled warmly, "That's Moros, deity of impending doom," Kai gestured to the burly man who spoke earlier.

 I nodded my head, secretly wondering how Kai was able to say that so casually.

"Then there's Eris, goddess of discord and strife," Eris gave me a cold stare in greeting. "And lastly, the lovely Tyche, goddess of luck." She smiled.

I took a deep breath. "Nice to meet you all," I responded, still trying to put names to faces.

"And us you," Tyche said peacefully. She seemed really laid back.

"Kronos has spoken highly of you," Moros grunted.

"Really? That's cool, I guess." I replied skeptically.

"Mm, and that's why we and Kronos have elected you as Mistress," Eris continued, sounding uninterested. I furrowed my brow.

"Mistress? What's that?" I asked shifting my weight.

"Mistress, meaning you are the highest rank possible. You over rule everyone, except for Kronos. He's the only person you answer to," Aether told me with pride.

I let that information sink in. "So basically, what you're saying is... I'm in charge?"

"Yes, my dear," Tyche remarked, "You are our leader." Everyone nodded gratefully, like I was their savior. I didn't even know them, but they trusted me to lead them.

I looked at Kai for reassurance. He gave me a cheeky smile.

"But why me? I'm not complaining, I just want to know what gave you the idea of me being a leader," I countered. I just couldn't quite wrap my head around it.

Pontus chuckled lightly. "After hearing everything that you've done for our cause, we just couldn't resist."

"Also," Eris carried on, "We have been told that Kronos chose you to hold his power while he gained his form and strength."

"That's right. I mean, I didn't have much of a choice at the time but..." Everyone laughed. I grinned.

"Alright, then. Well, thanks for the position," I said before taking another deep breath. Everyone nodded and smiled.

"You're most certainly welcome, Mistress," Hermera reiterated.

Suddenly, the doors behind me opened up revealing a small woman with red slicked back hair. I jumped at the sudden action.

The woman carried a clip board, and had a pen tucked behind her ear. Also, she seemed to be wearing an earpiece.

"Trainer group 1.5 finished their daily exercises, shall they be dismissed?" The woman asked. No one said anything. She looked up from her clip board. Kai elbowed me.

"She's talking to you," He said in my ear.

"Oh, um, yes. They are dismissed," I responded with slight uncertainty. The woman nodded her head and pulled the pen from her ear to write something down.

"Good day, Mistress." The woman bowed slightly and walked out the room. The guards shut the door behind her.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"That's Arke, our messenger. She assisted Kronos back in the Golden Age," Aether answered. I swallowed.

"Oh, don't worry, she's just doing her job. Sometimes she comes off a little straight forward," Tyche softly replied.

I nodded. "That's nice." Everyone was quiet.

"So," Kai clapped his hands together, "We best be going, you have a big first day tomorrow," Kai gestured to me.

I rolled my eyes. "If you say so, Kai. It was fantastic meeting all of you," I said warmly. Everyone gave their fair share of goodbyes.

Kai led me out the door, which magically opened somehow. These guards are on top of their game.

We walked down a corridor that branched off the main hallway. We passed different people, and some monsters like telchines and empousa. All bowed to me as we passed.

"How do they know that they need to bow to me? I just got here," I murmured to Kai.

"Kronos has informed everyone of your arrival, if I'd have to guess."

"So the people we met, were they like a council type thing?"

"Sort of. They are Kronos's advisors, I guess you could say. They are considered the battle planners, as well."

"Oh," I said.

"Why? Are you intimidated?" He asked.

"You could say that."

He laughed. "Well don't be. They're actually not as bad as their reputations deem them to be. I would know."

I stared at him.

"What? I can't just go around pointing out my family's faults."

I paused. It suddenly occurred to me that most of the deities I just met were his siblings or immediate relatives. I just met majority of the primordial branch. That thought made my insides turn to jelly.

Kai stopped in front of yet another set of double doors with guards. Kai cleared his throat and the guards opened the doors revealing a huge bedroom.

"Oh my gods," I marvelled as I stepped into the room. I spun around and laughed.

"This is for you," Kai said.

"All of it?" I asked. Kai nodded. I grinned from ear to ear. I faced my bed, and I couldn't resist. I ran and flopped onto the covers and mountain of pillows. I giggled.

"Well, I see you like the bed," Kai said from the doorway.

"Uh huh," I replied as I sat up.

"I'll leave you to it then, good night, Mistress," He said with admiration. Kai stepped out the room and the guards shut the door.

I sighed and looked up at the ceiling. This day had its ups and downs, but I know in my heart I made the right choice. I shut my eyes.

Maybe this won't be so bad, I thought to myself as I drifted off to sleep.

A/N Yeah, sorry I haven't been updating. I meant to update a couple of days ago, but Death of a Bachelor came out and I've been listening to it on repeat. Anyway, until we meet again

A Pawn For Time (Daughter of the Olympians #1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ