The Terrifying City

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You didn't know what had happened, your mind was consistently replaying the night you held Saitama's hand to cheer him up when Genos's new fans wanted to shake his hand. His hand felt really nice, warm too. Despite the constant battles Saitama participated in, for only around five minutes maximum knowing him, his hands were so smooth and gentle that you didn't want to let go when approaching the apartment but it was odd because you had always held his hands.

They were your comfort and solitude because being close to Saitama and knowing he was next to you, it made you feel peaceful as if nothing could pierce your safety bubble. You knew it would always end though, especially when you felt like you weren't necessarily needed as much as you'd like to think.

It had been five days since Saitama became an official hero along with his approved disciple; Genos and they were doing nothing with their new registrations. The city streets were currently a mess; debris, broken buildings and warning signs were everywhere to ward off the people from monsters who would arrive out of nowhere.

Their had been no recent incidents though and Saitama only resorted to reading manga while keeping the television on in case any major crimes would occur. Genos, Saitama and yourself had never left your apartment as Genos followed Saitama wherever he went to try and analyse his moves, drawing whatever the bald man had been doing and writing everything he ate.

Saitama was on the floor with his Japanese graphic novel and a shirt off. That's all that had to be said.
Pecs and abs in their glory, Saitama had absolutely no reason to be embarrassed, as he wasn't. The man was too laid back and casual to do so anyway. He was leaning back against the couch with his pyjama pants still on even though it was around midday as Genos was seated cross-legged across from him, journal open with illustrations of the caped hero.

You sighed, laying on the floor with your head on Saitama's thigh while he leaned his elbow on his other knee. You could feel the man shaking for some reason, his breathing slightly irregular and you only had to look to the side, over the small table in the middle on the living room to see why.

Saitama was under way too much stress after being stared at like a science experiment by his own Disciple. Genos wouldn't even wink an eye away from Saitama and his golden orbs were always moving, shifting as they analysed and scrutinised every tiny detail in the man who could defeat anything or anyone with a single punch.

You knew Genos was raising the bar for his master and you also knew that Saitama often felt as if he was scamming the cyborg but you were either too amused or too nonchalant to do anything about it no matter how many times Saitama nudged you or begged you with his eyes for help. Maybe in a way this was your brains insignificant reason for getting back at your best friend who was the cause of your problematic emotions.

"Genos... re-enacting a statue or~ what?" You asked timidly, slowly rubbing your lower stomach and watching as the robotic boy only moved to give you his attention, never speaking as you then became speechless yourself, you had nothing else to say. Saitama had better be coming up with some fake technique or spiritual theory because being a victim of this staring wasn't fun at all.

"Okay, okay go back to watching Sai please!" You asked after what felt like a whole minute of analysis. The cyborg opened his mouth, closed but opened it again and you stared, one brow raised questioningly before your face exploded with a humiliating blush at Genos's next sentence, or half of it, "Is your heart beating so fast because you are lay-"

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