“No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change”. He said quietly.

“Wow an educated supermodel”. Freya said nudging him in the elbow.

“That hurts me, I’m a well read guy-‘he said lying awfully making Freya look at him unbelievingly. “Ok so I got it off a post card, you caught me”. He said holding up his hands as he laughed.

Freya laughed with him, lifting her glass to her lips to find it empty. “Shit”. She said leaving the glass down on the docks.

“Don’t worry, Blondie I got you covered”. Tristan said with a smile, pulling out another beer from his pocket.

“My saviour”. She said pretending to bow, before taking the bottle.

Silence fell over them again, but strangely it wasn’t an awkward one, more companionable than anything. “Do you wanna play a game?” Tristan asked suddenly, making Freya nod her head.

“What kind of game? I just want to make sure my clothes will be staying on”. Freya said, before realising how presumptuous she must have sounded making her blush into the darkness.

Tristan picked up on her embarrassment and laughed, rocking the dock once again. “Just truth or dare, and don’t worry St. Freya it will be strictly PG thirteen”. He said looking into her eyes again.

Freya felt her mouth go dry when he turned the brown soft pools on her and nodded quickly. “Can I go first?” she asked.

“Sure why not”. He said with a shrug.

It’s now or never, she thought as she opened her mouth. “Why did you leave America?” She asked, the words coming out in a rush.

“Wow, you go straight for the big guns don’t you Blondie’ he said making her slump down convinced she said the wrong thing. ‘No don’t worry, it’s cool. Well it was a mixture of things, a bad break up and I was sick and tired of the fakeness that comes with modelling. It’s too artificial for me, if you can get what I’m saying”.

She nodded. “Because you are a good guy Tristan Blake”. She said confidently, hearing low chuckles inches away from her.

“I’m not sure my ex would agree with you, but thanks. Ok my turn, what was wrong with you, the night I picked you up?” he asked making Freya feel like the awkward one again.

“Truthfully?’ he nodded. “Well I was always a nobody, invisible with only Luis for company. Anyways this guy, I fancied since I was like thirteen or something like that, invited me to a party. I was so excited, I finally felt like I was saying good bye to the invisible Freya. When I got there I soon realised he only invited me to win a bet, for who can invite the biggest loser”.

“Luis?” Tristan asked picking up on the beginning of the conversation.

“Oh he’s like my soul-mate, he’s so awe inspiring you can’t help but notice him. He urged me to go”. She said taking another gulp of her beer, the taste of it no longer catching in the back of her throat.

“Oh”. Tristan said looking a little dejected before remembering the rest of the conversation. “Do you want me to go and kick those blind guy’s assholes?” he offered seriously.

She laughed and shook her head. “No thank you, I mean what are you 6.4? I don’t want to kill them”.

“6.5 actually, I take after my dad in the height department”. He said skipping another rock.

“Why are there no dares in this game?” She asked slurring slightly, the unfamiliar feeling of alcohol reaching her brain making her speech distorted.

The Secrets of the Throne (sequel to The Girl behind the Throne) - ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now