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-Raina's POV-

I woke up to the sound of water. The shower is on? I looked over to see that Roman wasn't there.

"Oh," I said, realizing he is the one in the shower. I slowly get out of bed and brush my long, black hair. Just then, the shower stopped, and the handle of the door jiggled. Out came Roman.

"Good morning," I greeted him, smiling.

"Morning," he replied, sniffling. I continued to brush my tangly hair when he let out a stifled sneeze.

"Bless you," I said putting my brush down and picking up my foundation.

"Thanks," he said putting on an oversized sweater. We talked about a TV show we were watching and how the main character is amazing.

"His fighting skills? I mean, come on!" I said joyfully. He nodded in agreement.

"Almost as good as..." he began before stopping. His nostrils widened a bit, and his breath started hitching.

"Ah-chew!" he sneezed, covering his nose.

"Bless you again, are you feeling okay?" I asked sitting beside him on the bed. He nodded, rubbing his nose gently.

"Anyways," he sniffled. "Almost as good as me."

"Not even close," I said giggling. Something was off about him. Sure, the pollen count was supposed to be high, but I doubt that's why he's sneezing.

"What are you allergic to? I never really asked," I said, examining his face.

"Everything it seems like," he joked, smirking.

Just then, he sneezed again, this time even stronger.

"Ah..AH-chew!" he sneezed, constantly sniffling afterwards.

"Babe, you sure you're okay?" I ask a bit concerned.

"I'm fine," he said a little congested. I shrugged and went to my perfume table. I lightly sprayed the scent over me, twirling around.

He grabbed a tissue and placed it over his nose.

"Ah-chew....ah-chew," he sneezed, blowing his nose straight after. While he was blowing, another sneeze interrupted him, making him stop.

"AH-CHEW!" he sneezed violently into the tissue.

"Okay, the pollen count is an 8," I told him, checking my phone. "This is probably why you're sneezing like this," I concluded. He finished blowing and threw the tissue away.

"How does it feel?" I ask him, wondering what to say to the doctor later.

"It f-feels..." he started. He covered his nose with both hands.

"Ghnt-chew," he sneezed, sniffling uncontrollably.

"It feels like something is constantly tickling my nose," he managed to say before a quick double sneeze exploded out. I walk up to him and rubbed his back.

His nose was pink, and his voice was congested.

"Whew, it's hot in here," I said fanning myself with my hand. I walk over to the window near our bed and open it, letting the fresh breeze fill the room.

-Roman's POV-

Raina opened the window, letting the wind swirl through the room.

"That's better," she said looking outside. I rubbed my nose with the palm of my hand. The tickle was making my nose run. I couldn't stop rubbing it.

"Rom, stop rubbing it like that! It'll make it worse, I bet," she said looking back at me. The tickle was getting more tickly. I pinched my nostrils together, making the sneeze quieter. I felt it. It was there, but not coming out.

"It tickles so bad," I whined wiggling my nose back and forth. I scrunched it, rubbed it, and wiggled it. It wouldn't come out.

"GHNT-CHEW!" I sneezed while my fingers were on my nostrils.

"No going out for you, huh," Raina said laughing. I sniffled, scrunching my nose while I inhaled.

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