The Day of Resurrection

Start from the beginning

And he made the nightmares disappear.

“Stay.” Trouble whispered, his voice raspy. Holly continued to smile as he buried his face in her neck.

“I can’t,” she replied, running a hand through his ginger locks. “Not today.” 

“Why?” He moaned, his hot breath tickling her skin. She giggled and placed her small hands on his shoulders, pushing him away enough to see his face. Please do not throw another tantrum, Holly thought.

“Because today is the day we bring him home.”

Trouble yawned and rubbed his eyes. “Can I come with you then?”

“You know that I would bring you, but the less of us the better. We do not need to be any more exposed.”

“That is true.” He sat up and stared at the wall, thinking. Holly rubbed small circles on his back. She was procrastinating. Not because she did not want to get up and see Artemis as soon as possible, she did! However, many thoughts ran through her mind about being with him again. What if he had changed? What if, while floating in Limbo for all those months, he had realized that she was not right for him? What if he goes back to being that mischievous, twelve year old criminal? What if…

“Holly!” Trouble snapped his fingers in front of her face. She shook her head and blinked.

“Sorry. I…spaced out.”

He grinned and lifted her into a sitting position. “Do you want me to cook you breakfast?”

She laughed, surprised. “You would cook for me?”

He laughed with her. “Yes, I would cook for you. Anytime.”

An hour later…

Trouble pulled Holly into a tight hug once they arrived at Foaly’s lab.

“How long will you be gone?” he whispered, holding her at arm’s length.

“A few days if all goes well.” she replied.

 “I guess I’ll see you in a few days then.” He grinned and kissed her forehead softly.

“Aw! Look at how cure you two are!” Both elves jumped as Foaly emerged from his lab and stepped between them.  “Listen, Trubs, I know you love your girl and all, but we’re kind of busy today, so if you could move along that would be wonderful!” He grabbed Holly’s wrist and tugged her into the lab.

“I’m sorry about him Trouble! I’ll call you tonight!”

The door slammed shut behind her.

“Foaly! Trouble and I are not dating!”

“I know, but he’s got a crush on you. Isn’t it obvious?”

Holly rolled her eyes. Foaly could be very dramatic when he wanted to be, but now was not the time. Now was a time of business.

“Is the clone done?”

“Yes!” The centaur exclaimed excitedly. He galloped into a closet and retrieved a hover trolley.

“He’s in there?” Holly asked, suddenly feeling nervous. What if this didn’t work?

No. Holly had her doubts six months ago, but now she was sure. This had to work. She hadn’t given up on Artemis, they had to only hope they he hadn’t given up on them and her hopes were pretty high.

“Yes.” Foaly replied hesitantly, refusing to look her in the eyes. Holly felt more nervous now. Something was wrong.

“Foaly, is everything okay?”

“Holly,” Foaly muttered, placing his hands on the lid of the hover trolley. “I am not trying to insinuate that I doubt Artemis’s capability to hold on for six months, but logically, it is half a year. Frankly, it is a bit impossible for a human to hold to his spirit for so long. He has determination I will give him that. But for him to hold on for that long…Holly, I don’t think this is worth it anymore.”

Holly stared at the ground. He did not just say that he was giving up, did he? He couldn’t! She could feel the nervousness being replaced by anger, an anger that was so strong, tears began gathering in her mismatched eyes.

“Frond Damnit, Foaly!” Holly turned around and grabbed the centaur by his mane, pulling him close to her. Tears were already streaming down her cheeks. “I have waited six months, six months, to get this boy back to his family! You are not just going to stand there and tell me I cannot have Arty back! That I have to go home and move on! I cannot move on until I know that we tried! I will not let him go until we at least try, Foaly!”

The elf slowly released her grip and fell back into a chair, holding her face in her hands. Foaly stood shocked for a moment, and then gathered his bearings. “Then let’s get him topside, shall we?”

A/N: More to come soon. Hope you enjoyed the update, though it did seem a bit rushed! And this time I promise not to take a whole year to get a chappy up!

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