"Willow! Help!" Jay yelped as Nate tackled him. His face was so hilarious I couldn't help but laugh.

"Boys! No fighting in the kitchen! Your all going to be late." Mom said as she ran to Nate and Jay, pulled them apart and sent them outside to the car.

"Bye, Mom, love you!" I said,still smiling as I kissed her cheek, "Say goodbye to Amber and Flame for me!"

"Have fun dear, I will." She said than pushed me through the door and handed me a sack that jingles, "For snacks," she whispered.

Before I could say thank you, Jay grabbed my wrist and shoved me in to the car, Joey turned the keys as Nate slides in beside me while Jay jumped into the Passenger seat.

"To Hogwarts!" He said

"Technically it's to King's Cross-" Adam said as he climbed in after Nate.

"Oh Adam liven up a bit!" Joey shouted as he teared down the road.

The rest of the car ride there is full of jokes and speeding.

When we arrived Adam and Jay ran in to get some trolleys, Nate and Joey go to the back of the car and grab the trunks. When Jay and Adam get back, all of us grab a trolley and put our stuff on them.

I have a Barn Owl named Mercury. All the boys have a broom, the latest version The Lightening Scar (it's named after Harry Potter) it's faster than the Firebolt 101! Adam doesn't have a broom, but more books than any of the other boys.

We all walked toward the barrier between 9 and 10. Jay goes than Nate than Adam than I go. It's my 3rd turn to see platform 9 3/4, but it still amazed me. There's so many people, and they are so happy, and sad, at the same time. Whole families, single parents. Different races, all come together to learn magic. It's so cool!

"Don't stare, Will." Joey said behind me, "Let's go get your trunk in the train."

I follow him to the back of the train and he helped me pull my trunk into the compartment. It's already pretty full.

"Come on, Will, we have to go," Joey said, and grabbed my hand, tugging me along in to the train, down a long hallway to where Nate was.

"Where's Jay?" He asked.

"Usual place you '7th years' are," Nate said.

"Take care of Will, I gotta go!" Joey said and ran off.

"Come on Will let's go find a compartment," Nate said and we go off to find an empty one.

When we find one we plop down, a 2nd year girl walks past, saw Nate and walked right in.

"Natey!!" She squealed. "Why are you in here?"

"I'm hangin with my sis, she's a 1st." Nate said, flashing the, I checked the girls robes which she had already changed into, Slytherin blonde a smile.

"K, if you want to join us, the boys and a couple girls and I are in the old compartment!" She said twirling her hair around her finger, than she skipped out.

"You can go, if you want," I said, "I'll be fine!"

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yeah, go have fun," I said motioning at the door.

"Your the best," he hugged me than ran out of the compartment.

"I know," I said to myself.

When he left, I changed into my robes, but the train still hadn't left yet.

The conductor yelled: "ALL ABOARD!"

All the kids who hadn't gotten on already got on. The train started to move and a bunch of the kids were hanging out of the windows to wave good bye to their parents and friends. But I didn't.

A few minutes later, a dark haired boy came into the compartment.

"Is it okay if I sit here?" He asked pointing at the seat in front of me.

"It's fine." I said with a shrug.

"Cool," he said than sat down. It's quiet for a while then the door opens again, this time it's a blonde boy.

"Is it okay if I sit here?" He asked, "The other compartments are full."

"Sure," the dark haired boy and I said.

"My name's Scorpius Malfoy," the blonde boy said, the dark haired one sucked in a breath.

"Hello, Scorpius, I'm Willow," I said, it's so formal, it's almost hilarious.

"Willow, what?" The dark haired boy asked, it wasn't impolitely.

"Gaunt," I said slowly.

"Well than, I'm Albus Potter," the dark haired boy said.

"Potter, the Potter, as in Harry Potter?" I asked in disbelief.

"The one and only, he's my dad." Albus said.



"So, what house do you all want to be in?" Scorpius asked.

"Gryffindor," Albus said immediately.

"Boring!" I said, "Slytherin! That's where I'm going, no matter what that stupid hat says!"

"Slytherin for me too!" Scorpius said and we high five.

"Really, there wasn't a wizard or which that didn't go bad who was in Slytherin!" Albus says.

"Wasn't," I said, raising a finger, "now there can be a good one."

Than the compartment door opened, a red headed girl walked in, she looked nervous, then when she saw Albus her face lit up.

"Albus! I thought I lost you!" She said.

"Oh, sorry Rose. I thought you were with James."

"It's okay." She said than sat down beside Albus.

"My name's Rose Weasley, what's yours?" She asked me and Scorpius.

"My name's Willow Gaunt," I said.

"My name's Scorpius Malfoy," Scorpius said, "but you all can call me Scorp, Scorpius is kind of long."

"Cool," Rose said.

"So what house do you want to be in?" I asked Rose.

"Gryffindor," she said simply.

"Anything from the trolly, dears?" An old lady asked as the door slid open once again.

Everyone pulled out a sack of coins, Rose's isn't quite as full as mine or Scorp's or Albus'.

"Yes!" We all said.

10 minutes later, we were all eating candy.

"I love Chocolate Frogs," Rose said, as she opened a packet of them.

"I like the Cauldron Cakes," said Scorp.

"You all are crazy, it's the Bernie Bott's Every Flavor Beans you want!" Albus said, grabbing a handful of them and stuffing them in his mouth. "What?" He asked, chewing, "it's more interesting this way." Then he began gagging.

"What, too interesting?" Scorp asked, and I don't know why—either because it was too funny, or I was just glad to have friends, I burst out laughing.

And before I know it, everyone in the compartment is laughing even Albus, who spit out the wad of half chewed beans out the window, and announced that he had found a poop flavored one.

And I decided, that it was just finally having friends. 



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