"Someone's angry." He scoffed, rolling his eyes as he forced his fingers through his dark hair, slicking it back. "Is it because Charlie and Al get back today? Do you have a plan yet, evil genius?" He mocked, trying to lighten the situation with his awful sense of humour.

It was odd. Sometime he would say things, things that would remind me of Cooper. And truth be told, that's probably the only reason I hadn't killed him yet. Because having him here is almost like having my best friend by my side.

"All in good time, Max. All in good time." I breathed, glancing over at Scarlet one last time before turning on the engine.

My hands clutched to the wheel, my eyes watching her as she smiled at the customers bursting through the door. I was proud. I was proud that even though I was gone she hadn't fallen apart without me. And inside I hoped it was because she still had hope, that she still held onto what we had. Because I could never let that go. Never.

"Where to now then? Charlie said he would be back at six, it's a bit early to head back to base." He mumbled, adjusting the strap of his seatbelt.

"I need to see someone about a favour." I replied, slamming my foot down on the accelerator, driving away before I convinced myself to get out of the car, snatch her, and run.

Pulling into the run down street, my breathing increased rapidly. It had gotten worse since the last time I had been here. The streets where filled with good for nothing junkie scumbags, and the thought of him being here made me feel sick to my stomach and overcome with guilt. Outside of the houses, garbage had been scattered across the gardens, the grass that was once bright green was now a rusty shade of brown. The brick walls had now been covered in gang graffiti, and the stench in the air - even with the car windows firmly shut - was vile and rotting.

It was a place I remembered well. Cooper and I used to deal here when we worked for Charlie, but more times than most we would come here to collect growing debts that hadn't been paid, and of course they hadn't, no one that lived here could afford to live let alone pay for the filthy habits that were slowly killing them anyway. I guess you could say Cooper and I did them a favour, in a sick kind of way.

Max choked, swallowing down hard as a look of disgust flashed in his bright blue eyes. I smirked, I guess I was just used to it. I pulled up in front of the house, feeling my my heart drop to my stomach. This was the house my granddad lived in before he moved to Scotland, and now it was ruined. My childhood memories destroyed by spray paint and the current tenant, a tenant that was always apart of those memoires, too.

"So, who do you know that lives here exactly?" Max asked, his features creasing as he reached for the door handle.

"My cousin." I breathed, mentally preparing myself to see a ghost from the past.

Pushing the car door open, I stepped outside, holding my breath in attempt to not gag at the stench that lingered in the air. I slammed the door shut behind me and continued to walk, not even bothering to look back to see if Max was following. I reached the door, which was still painted a deep shade of blue, only now it was covered in red hand prints - probably due to some unfortunate persons loss of blood.

"This place is a fucking dump." Max scoffed, angering me.

I looked over my shoulder and shot him a murderous glare. He nodded his head and took a small step back, letting me know he understood. Sighing, I turned back to the front and raised my hand, placing several loud thumps on the door with the back of my knuckles, wiping them on my jacket afterwards, afraid I might catch something.

I rolled my eyes when I heard a commotion on the other side of the door, like a drunk person was struggling to walk; walking into the walls instead of walking in a basic straight line. Typical Aiden.

Nothing Like Us (Sequel to Boys Like You) *Not Mine*Where stories live. Discover now