"What happened?"

"Nightwing, I think you remember."

He did remember, the pain, the laughter. He remembered the crowbar hitting him everywhere, the slaps, the crazy laughter. Percy picked up on his thoughts and quickly continued with the story that was becoming longer and longer.

"Anywho, when I was hacking Lex corps, I came across Luthor's personal account which included access to his phone . Did you know he has the Joker on speed dial? I found that a bit creepy."

"Why did he have his number?"

"I don't know. Anyway you were getting beat up by the Joker which came through on your Mask cam-"

"Mask Cam, is that the best you came up with?"

"You're the one who named his batarangs 'Wingdings', so I wouldn't be so high and mighty about it. So, I staged a distraction and knocked out the Joker."

"With a fire extinguisher."

"I'm so sorry, I don't have fancy gadgets like you."

"You have a sword."

"Which I didn't bring because I was in a rush. Now stop interrupting me and let me continue. Fire was claiming the room so, we started walking down the stairs and you passed out from blood loss. So, I ran you down the rest way."


"How, what?"

"How did you get me out of there so fast?"

"I may or may not have used my powers to get you out of there."

"You idiot!"

"We wouldn't have made it out in the first place. After setting you on a stretcher, I went inside and helped the rest of your team."

"Using your powers."

"Yes! I did what is your problem with that?!" Percy shouts uncrossing his legs.

"You don't understand, they're not as opened minded as me. If they figured out who you have in your head." Nightwing quieted suddenly whispering the next part. "They'd lock you away and run tests on you. Even if you did help them."

"Okay I'll be more careful next time. Where was I?"

"You had just left me on an empty stretcher."

"You sound slightly offended by that. Anyway I then found your team in the ballroom, Ms. M. and Aqualad were passed out. The Martian from the fire and the Atlantean a combination of both I believe. Anyway, we defeated the rest of the goons and Harley and got out of there. Artemis had knocked Harley out on her last arrow, but damaged her arm in the process. While I grabbed Aqualad, Superboy carried his girlfriend-"

"She's not his girlfriend."

"Right. Okay, could've fooled me with the love vibes coming off of them."

"They don't have 'love vibes' coming off of them."

"You sure? Because I'm pretty sure I saw-"

"Percy no. Okay, they are not dating."

"Twenty bucks says they are."

"Are you trying to bet against me?"

"Well, I figure I have better chances against you then I do Annabeth."

"Percy just drop it already."

"Okay touchy subject. Anyway Superboy carried his girlfriend/totally not his girlfriend because they're in that denial phase of the relationship." Seeing Nightwing's glare he quickly continued. "So, we made it onto the ship thingy."

The Shifter (PJO/YJ Crossover)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ