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I'm Medusa you think you know my story; I was turned in to a hideous monster because I was a bad person. I hated everyone. I was twisted with a black heart. Well you're wrong. There are two sides of every coin and two tales to tell. This is mine.

When I was younger I lived in an amazing place, Athens to be precise, the beautiful beaches and fascinating farm lands. My family was well known by all the villagers there, we were looked upon by everyone because we were the picture perfect family. So you can imagine my father and mothers shame when the village found out that me Medusa the child with goddess features was the only child out of three born from Phorkys and Keto that was born a mere mortal. We swiftly moved out of Athens and up to the far north, it was the exact opposite, no beaches with glistening green/ blue sea no farmland to learn any trade from and most importantly no more sun that kisses you good morning or gives out hugs to those who need them. My two sisters (Stheno and Euryale) never treated me like I was just a pathetic human. I loved them and my parents. I never wanted to change. Wanted being past tense. Being a human of course had its pro's and con's, but the worst thing about being human is all the pathetic emotions. Being scared, lonely, and distraught. But my all time worst emotion is every human's weakness. Love. I didn't always hate love for I was once under its spell too.

We were young Jason and I; about 16 we were happy in the far north, but best of all we were both mortal. He understood me like no one else could. But that all came to a sudden end when his mother found out that I was supposed to be a Goddess but was born a human, this was such a shameful thing that his mother packed up and left taking my true love with her. I was distraught; I couldn't eat, sleep or talk to anyone. I soon decided that I had to go after him. I asked Athena if I could go back to Athens to speak to Jason and his mother to persuade them it was ok to be human instead of a goddess, that it wasn't something to be ashamed about. But Athena thought it was a bad idea and ordered me not to go. I was furious! How dare she try to keep me away from my true love? I can't leave without her permission so I was stuck here on this good for nothing island while my true love thought I was a monster! In the heat of the moment I accused the Goddess of being jealous of my beauty and that I had true love. As soon as the word oozed out of my lips I felt the venom dripping from each word. Athena looked at me horrified as if I had just slapped her, her face soon scrunched up in anger. She looked at me with a deathly glare and started to mumble incoherent words. I pulled my eyebrows together in utter confusion when I felt something stirring deep in the pit of my stomach. Moaning out in pain as the stirring started to prickle my skin. I closed my eyes wishing death to come quickly as the pain spread out across my face and through my scalp. About fifteen minutes later I had accepted my fate, me the beautiful glorious Medusa was going to die not being able to speak to my one love again.

Thinking this I didn't pay any attention to the fact that I was getting shaken. Jumping up I did a self-check and, not seeing anything wrong, I looked up to see Athena grinning like the Cheshire Cat. I tilted my head in confusion and asked what was so amusing. She simply replied "You humans have a saying - Karma; well, karma has nothing on me." She smiled sickly sweet at me and giggled like the maniac she is. Having had enough of her, I huffed, stomped off and walked home. Concerned why people kept staring at me and others gasped whilst I walked back, I just looked at the floor.

I sneaked into the house and ran up towards my room. As I got onto my bed, all my emotions spilled out of me and my aching heart was starting to numb as I wept. After what felt like years, but could have been minutes, my father knocked at the door and asked if he could come in. Allowing him in, I looked up at my dad as he came through the door. As I did so, he gasped then started to choke up. His feet started to turn grey and his electric blue eyes started to water as he was slowly turned into stone. I ran over to him screaming that I didn't understand what was going on but that I was sorry for it. A sob racked through me as I turned to my petrified father. I banished myself to an island where the only company I had were three blind witches who all shared one eye. I asked if I could stay but they firmly disagreed. The hags shooed me away for the sheer fact that a prophecy had fore-told that a demi-god would slay me. Could my life get any worse? Well apparently it could. I spent years on deserted islands. Slowly, my mind started to deteriorate with the lack of social contact. Each year that passed my name spread and soon a high price was put on my head. Warriors from all over the known world came to try and kill me. Of course, I tried to reason with them, but they all looked me in the eyes. The more people I turned to stone, the more others tried to slay me.

My cave that I had inhabited was littered with stone corpses whom I had killed. I started to hate the humans and mortals because all of them where out to kill me for the fact of power and greed. People could get anything from anyone with my head as a weapon. Years went by and I was still here getting madder every Godforsaken day. Sitting in my 'stone garden' as the humans called it. I could hear the beating of wings. Curious of what this beating was I started to look around. It was then I saw a very handsome young warrior. Rolling my eyes thinking about the poor solider would not stand a chance against me I failed to see that his strategy was different to those of other warriors. Coming closer to him I felt the allure around him was strong almost God-like but had a hint of mortal as well around him. This had to be the demi-God. I made a snap judgment and leapt out in front of him and shouted for him to stop. Shockingly he did just that. I took advantage of this kindness I asked him why he was going to kill me. he simply stated that his father was Zeus the God of the skies had fell in love with his mother and impregnated her. His grandfather had thrown them out to sea because of the prophecy that he was to kill his grandfather. They washed up on shore of a new island and the king of the island wanted his mother for his queen. His anger was shown clearly by the way he balled up his fists. He explained that if he didn't come back with my head then his mother would be forced into this awful marriage. Sighing I agreed. Knowing he had no idea why I had said 'you may' it was my turn to explain that he may kill me but with my own help. He quickly complied and asked what he could do, I offered my idea and he said it was perfect. I closed my eyes waiting for the pain, but he told me he needed my eyes open, I followed his orders and opened my eyes just as he shut his. He took a swing and hit me directly. I fell to the floor as my sprit escaped my dead body looking down I saw my hideous features for the first time, putrid grey washed skin with coiled snakes for hair. I shivered from the pure monstrosity of this whole ordeal and flew to be reunited with my family. I never did find out what happened to that warrior but I do know that when I see him we will have words on what the truth means to him...

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 31, 2013 ⏰

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