The New Kid

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We start a long time after weirdmaggeton, I was running to school face timing with Grenda and Candy after finally we all got phones.Rushing inside on her skates, I made it to class just in time;sitting by her partner in crime Dipper.Bumping fists; we started class.The teacher Ms.Westerfields silenced the class.A small tiny boy with seemingly yellow hair hid behind her,small top hat on his head. Mabel thought the boy looked familiar but brushed her thought aside."Listen up class!! Their is a new student I would like to introduce to you." The tiny boy slipped from behind Ms.Westerfields back."Hi everyone, my name is Bill Cypher." The twins gasped in shock. Was this Bill's human form? Was this him before he was the Triangle Dorrito? "If you want to know about my past I can't tell you anything. Literally. I woke up 2 months ago in a town called Gravity falls. The only family I have left is my grunkle Luke and my dying sister Blur." I watched in concern,curiosity, and fear.With this, the strawberry blonde melted into puddle of sadness and did the worst thing possible at school; crying in front of everyone. I felt bad for the Triangle Dorrito but I knew I could do nothing without getting to know him. Later I decided to investigate. Bad idea when wearing a neon sweater. The Dorrito saw me instantly applying ninja skillz to my arm. "Oh sorry," He mumbled staring at the ground. "I like your sweater." He complemented. I blushed. He himself was wearing a yellow sweater,a gold handprint with six fingers stitched to the surface. "Where did you get your sweater?" I asked not trying to be rude. "Oh um my sister B-Blur made it for me."He replied; tears flowing gently from the Dorrito's eyes. Running down the hall the Dorrito ran into the locker room;locking the door behind him. I could hear his sobs from all the way down the hallway breaking my heart in two. My bubbly adatude was replaced by sadness; sharing the Dorrito's pain. When dismissal came I tried my best to avoid Dorrito. When I finally got home; I ran straight to my room. Only Candy and Grenda could save me from this nightmare. Unfortunately I lost my charger and my phone was dead. Running to Dipper's I "borrowed" his charger. Once my phone was on I called Candy.She told me about her misadventures and made me laugh like there was no tomorrow. Grenda cheered me up with a strange wattpad story. Suddenly I heard a slight knock. Spinning around in my swivel chair; I found a bag of dorritos had been snuck under my door. The trail led to a yellow house. I didn't know at the time, but this house was the start of my greatest adventure yet.

The Tale of The Triangle DorritoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ