Chapter Two

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I groaned as Tay's alarm clock started blaring a Ke$ha song. She was just full of surprises, that girl.

The music kept playing and Tay started singing. I put my pillow over my head. Six in the morning came much too early.

I threw my pillow at Tay, who was now dancing around the room.

“Shut up!” I exclaimed.

Tay dodged the pillow and stuck her tongue out at me as she turned off her singing clock. Finally!

I trudged out of bed and went to brush my teeth. I could feel the morning breath plastered on my teeth, and it was not a happy feeling in the slightest. Gross.

I brushed my teeth with my super minty toothpaste, which made my eyes water every time from the strength of it, and went to get dressed. I had made a vow to myself to dress nicely this year, but the temptation of my oversized band shirts and skinny jeans were calling to me. I sighed and instead grabbed a skirt. I had to at least put in some effort the first week of school, right?

I did a onceover in the full-length mirror. I had seen worse from myself. Now it was time to do my makeup.

I gave up on doing my hair long ago. With hair this curly, there is absolutely nothing to do with it, except stick it in a messy bun that only stays in place if you put it on the top of your head. My mom always joked that it made me look like a pineapple. I personally did not see any resemblance to a pineapple when I looked in the mirror. But that's just my mother, who cares?

My thoughts wandered to my masked stranger, who was the real reason why I cared about my wardrobe that day, whether I would admit it or not. I wondered if he would be able to recognize me. A glimmer of hope arose in me when I remembered my mask only covered half of my face. Add that with my lion’s mane, and there was a good chance he would recognize me. I hoped.

Then came the question of how I would recognize him. He did have curly hair, and other than his eyes, I did see most of his face. My memories were so blurred by happiness and closed eyes from kissing that it made it hard to remember, though.

Tay came in the bathroom, bumping her hip on mine, and causing my lipstick to go up my nose as I was rudely interrupted from my pondering.

I sighed in exasperation. “Thanks!”

Tay laughed, and handed me a make-up remover pad. “Here, use this. Works magic.”

She was right. It came off immediately and I didn't have to scrub at my nose like there was poison ivy on it or something.

            I waited for her to do her finishing touches and then we left the room.

I looked anxiously at the clock. Only ten minutes until the hell you call biology ended.

I normally liked biology. After all, I had been debating whether to do marine biology with a minor in theatre or just major in theatre completely since eighth grade. I was fairly interested in the topic. Until I had biology with Mr. Glick.

It was only day one, and I already found myself bored beyond belief. His monotone voice was unbearable, and the constant interruptions from his phone were just plain annoying. However, the phone situation became slightly more amusing once he was done with the lecture and left us to our worksheets and went to go check the text messages that made his phone ring at least five times. As soon as he checked that phone, his whole face lit up with a look I can only describe as delighted hunger. He had a shiny gold ring on his left ring finger, so I guess him and his wife were having a… fun conversation. I had a feeling I knew what they would be doing that night.

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