Forever and Always Chapter 1

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I sat down on the cold bleacher as I found my younger brother on the field. The Falcons were playing the Eagles. Ironic, right? The pee-wee boys ran toward each other when the ref blew the whistle. My concentration on the field was broken when I heard a voice speak up beside me.

"Mind if I sit here?" I look up to see a blonde boy looking at me hopefully. He had a thick Australian accent. He added, "There's really no where else to sit,"

"Uh, yeah, sure," He sat down beside me, "I'm Saige, by the way,"

"Cody, you know, there's plenty of other seats, I just wanted to sit next to a pretty girl, and you caught my eye," He smiled, blushing.

"That's so sweet!" I exclaimed.

"Can I see your phone?" He asked. I handed him my iPhone. He put his number in my phone then called his phone so that he could have my number. He handed me my phone. "Text me if you wanna hang out!" I scrolled through my contacts until I came across 'Cody Mr. Sexy Man Simpson' and I clicked the message button.

To: Cody Mr. Sexy Man Simpson

Nice Name(; We should hang out later!(:

His phone buzzed and he smiled before typing.

To:Saige the Beautiful

You're name is better!(; Pick you up at 7?(:

To: Cody Mr. Sexy Man Simpson

Okay(: Casual or Fancy?

To: Saige the Beautiful

Hmm, Casual, but bring a change of clothes(:

To: Cody Mr. Sexy Man Simpson

Okay Mr. Sexy Man(;

To: Saige the Beautiful

So, you think I'm sexy, eh?(; *Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink*

To:Cody Mr. Sexy Man Simpson

Nah, you're pretty average, actually.

To:Saige the Beautiful

This? Average? Angel, you must be mistaken! And I was gonna say you were beautiful, but I guess I'll just take that back!

To: Cody Mr. Sexy Man Simpson

You think I'm beautiful?

To: Saige the Beautiful

Well, that's what you're contact name says(;

To: Cody Mr. Sexy Man Simpson

Awh(: well, in that case, you're extremely sexy(;

To: Saige the Beautiful

Sweetheart, I would say something else about you being beautiful, but you have a kid that wants your attention.(: Text me later, Saige. I have to go get my little brother, anyways! :(

"Cody! Wait!" I call after him.

"Yes, Beautiful?" He smirked.

"See you at 7?" I confirmed.

"See you at 7," he repeated.

I smiled as he walked away with one of Ry's teammates.

"Saige! Did you see that touchdown that I scored?" Ry asked as we got in the car.

"I sure did buddy, I sure did," I replied as we drove home.


At 5:30, I started getting ready. I took a shower and put on my black Hollister shorts, a crop top that said 'Paradise' and my black and white converse. I straightened my hair and put a natural amount of makeup on. It was 7:01 when I heard a knock on my door. I grabbed my phone and purse and walked downstairs. My mom had already let Cody in.

"Sorry I'm a minute late, we got stuck in traffic!" Cody exclaimed, "Ready to go?"

"Ready!" I agreed as he opened the door for me. I walked out the door, smiling at the gentleman behind me. This was going to be fun.


So, thanks for reading! I'll update every week! And I'm crying right now. #RIP Cory Monteith. You'll be in our hearts forever!

Forever and Always- A Cody Simpson love storyWhere stories live. Discover now