Jokes and Hearts

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 "You kissed who on a dare?" I asked, me, C.C, Bret and Rikki sat in C.C's living room, he scowled "Thanks Rikki" he snarled at him, and smiled at me "Bret. Don't worry he kisses sloppy, you kiss hot" he told me, I sighed I love my boyfriend, but he makes no sense to me sometimes.

"Better not happen again, dare or not DeVille" I told him, he kissed my cheek "No worries" he said as the door opened and Bee came in running straight to Rikki, I smiled and C.C. made a gagging sound as he kissed, I hit his shoulder "Quit it" I told him as he laughed and wrapped his arm around me as Bee and Rikki let the other breathe.

"Finally, I thought you were gonna suffocate each other" Bret said and we laughed as Rikki sat down and dragged Bee into his lap, C.C. wrapped his arm around me "Okay. So, since Bee is moved in with Rockett, will Ashy move in with me?" he asked, and looked at me.

"C.C. we have only been together for.. what five month?"

"So move in?" he asked with puppy eyes, I scowled "No."







"Both of you shut up!" Bee yelled, and Rikki and Bret laughed "God, you two fight like a old married couple" she mumbled, and I sighed then shrugged "If you want me t-"

"Hell yeah, let's go get your stuff" he said and jumped up from the couch going to the door, I just sat there confused as the other three laughed and C.C. came back in and grabbed my arm pulling me up from my position on the couch and out the door.

He dragged me down the sidewalk  and I hit his shoulder "Ow, ow, hey!" he shouted, and grabbed my hands to keep from hitting him "Don't grab my arm" I told him as we walked, his arm slithered around my waist "Sorry, I just really want you to move in!" he complained like a little kid.

I laughed "Fine. But-"

"Yes! Hah, see you cant resist the C.C. DeVille!" he shouted and his arm moved to where it was around my neck as we walked down the driveway, we went in and I smiled as I looked up at him "Ass" I said, he kissed my nose "Hey, you agreed."

"Yeah, remind me to shoot Bee for yelling and getting my head all messed up" I mumbled as we went upstairs and started packing up what little stuff I had.

January 1987

I run in Rikki and Bee's back door and nearly tackled her as I hugged her, oh my God, oh my God, Oh. My. God!

Bee and Rikki laugh as I let go and bounce up and down in my spot, C.C. looked confused "We're waiting for Jamie and Jilly right?" Bee asked, I nodded happily as C.C. places his hands on my shoulders to keep me still "Babe. Quit acting like your on cocaine" he said.

"I called them just before I left home" I said "Jill shouldn't be too far away, either at Bret or Bobby's. It's a old relationship they have."

"I think they both have shares in her" C.C. said "Can you at least tell RIkki and I what's going on?" he frowned as Rikki smirks "I already know whats going on" he said.

"Why does drummer get to know and I don't? Bee tell me how this is fair" C.C. complained and I wrapped my arms around his that were laying around me and on my chest, Bee smiled "Rikki wasn't supposed to know, not yet at least" she said and kissed his cheek.

"Hey, hey!" James called as the back door opens. Jamie and James had remarried in December, it was great, I'm so happy for them and I imagine Bee and Rikki getting married one day, it would be amazing. Bret, Jil, and Bobby come in next, I think C.C. is right.

There is something going on there.

Bee is full on energizer bunny as she hops around on the counter near Rikki, C.C. is holding me fom moving or I am pretty sure I would be screaming and jumping "Why are you two energizer bunnies?" C.C. asked, I smiled up at him "You will know soon, Teddy Bear."

"Can I tell them?" I asked, and smile big as Bee nods opening her water bottle "Go ahead."

"We're going to the world cup in Greece in March!" I shout and and hug my boyfriends neck to where I am basically choking him and he picks me off of my feet in a hug as I squeak in his ear he laughs and sets me back down, I look towards Jam and Jil. They look sad "I can't go" Jil said, I looked at her and frowned "Jillian, this is the World Cup. It's all you've talked about for as long as I have known you" I said "Why aren't you going?"

"The thing is Ash, you can't play a contact sport if you are in fact knocked up" Jil said, I froze as Bee choked on her water "Who is the dad?" Bee asked.

"One of them" she said pointing at thing one and thing two -aka Bobby and Bret- she smiled "Or that itialian guy" she stated, and C.C. laughed "I knew it! sorta" he said, and I roll my eyes "Your knocked up to, arent you?" Bee asked Jam, who smiled "Peanut is due in August" she said and put her hands on her stomach.

"I pity the kid is it's James'" Rikki said, and James shot him a bird.

I frown but, smile "I'm so happy for you guys!" I squeal and smiled, but my heart didn't feel right.

I stood in my closet looking for a shirt, I was in boots, white jeans and was looking for a band shirt as C.C. knocked on my bedroom door "Ash?" he said and I heard him sit on the bed "Are you okay?" he asked, I shrugged "Yeah."

I wasn't ready to move into C.C's room so he gave me Bee's, although half the time we do sleep in the others room, it's because I like to cuddle and steal his shirts, I grab a black Kiss shirt and he scowls playfully "I think that shirt is mine" he said, and I smile sitting beside him on the bed "I will give it back to you tomorrow" I said.

"How about now?" he asked and started to kiss me as the phone went off, he mumbled something as I reached for the one in my room "Hello?"


"Ron?" I asked, and the first thought that came to mind was my mom.

"Yeah. How are ya? City treating ye well?" he asked, I smile "He is treatin' me very well, cousin. How is momma?" I asked, he was silent.

"She has a month Asheroo."

I almost dropped the phone that C.C. was ready to catch. I put a tight grip on the phone "A month?" I whispered, he sighed "I'm sorry Tigger" he said, I gulped and smiled "Hey, I knew it was comin' Ronnie" I said.

After awhile we finally hung up, and C.C. looked at me "Baby.." I started to cry "I'm going to hold you now'' he said, and crawled up beside me he hugged me an dI put my head in his chest as I cried like a little girl.

I feel so small, without her. Even thinking of not having my momma.

I hate it. 

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