The Edge

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Tall lurking shadows mingle just beyond the breaking waves, shading the stillness, of the calm water. Closer to shore the sea is violent, cresting waves breaking into frothy seafoam, lapping at the sandy shore. Tiny pinpricks of white can be seen dancing on the surface in the distance, the budding start of each new wave. As I look out, my eyes closely scanning the point where the sky meets the water, it looks as if it's the edge of the world, and if I could just swim far enough I could fall into the sky, leaving behind the binds of earth. But I tire, my limbs not yet strong enough to take me to the edge, to take me to the sky. But I come here every year, each time stronger, faster, braver. Someday I know ill do it, Ill make to the edge, and maybe, just maybe... ill fall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2013 ⏰

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