24. Story

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24. Story

None of the friends acknowledged the apparition of their dead friend. Ron and Hermione avoided the subject, though they both knew it was eminent that they eventually talk about it. Blaise did indeed leave the Firewhiskey alone, much to Ginny's pleasure. June came and went quickly and uneventfully, as did the majority of July; the friends had stopped mourning and continued on with their slightly empty lives.

Rosa's and Harry's child continued to grow, much to Rosa's discomfort. The couple still hasn't gotten anything for their child, they hasn't even chosen a name.

The enchanted calendar on the wall read the thirtieth of July, the day before Harry's birthday.

"Harry," Rosa mumbled; she lay on the couch resting her head on his thigh. "make your child behave."

"He doesn't listen to me." Harry chuckled and stroked the witch's hair gently. She was nearly eight months pregnant and miserable.

"He's needs to sit still, he's making me ill." She mumbled and heard Harry chuckled again. "He keeps wiggling."

"At least he's not kicking you." Harry suggested, stroking her hair again.

"Don't give him any ideas." Rosa scowled weakly.

"Hey, I want to feel him kick." Harry said slightly excited. Rosa shook her head.

"And the torture begins." She muttered and Harry chuckled again.

The couple sat quietly on the couch for a few minutes. Harry continued to stroke he hair gently, hoping to try and sooth her. A knock from the door sounded and Janas quickly wen to answer it.

"Master Harry!" The elf said happily, becoming excited as she did every time a guest arrived. "Mr.'s Ron and Blaise and Misses Ginny and Hermione are here!"

"Thank you." Harry said kindly to the elf.

He saw his four friends come in and sit on various chairs in the room. Hermione's stomach was just beginning to show as sat beside Ron quietly; her head resting on his shoulder.

"Hi," Rosa mumbled quietly. She heard Ginny laugh.

"Rosa, you look like you're going to keel over! What's wrong?" She asked from her position beside Blaise.

"This child finds it impossible to sit still." She said smiling weakly at her friend. Ginny winced in sympathy.

"Ouch." She replied and Rosa nodded in response.

The six sat and talked. Harry, Ron and Blaise had all gotten positions in the Auror Department at the Ministry; they spoke well of their boss, Kingsley Shacklebolt. The three girls talked about the babies, though Rosa felt more like sleeping than talking. She had joined the two girls on the couch while the boys stood around talking.

"So in less than two months you're going to be a mother." Ginny said excitedly. Rosa nodded nervously.

"I'm terrified." Rosa confirmed.

"Have you and Harry chosen a name?" Hermione asked.

"No," Rosa said and placed a hand on her large stomach. "Not yet."

"Have you got the room fixed?" Ginny asked, wanting to see it.

"No," Rosa laughed. "Harry and I were going to go later today."

"Then we should leave so you can go." Hermione said with a smile. Rosa looked at her quizzically.

"No, it's already three in the afternoon. You two need to go." Hermione said with a smile. Then leant over and whispered in the other witch's ear.

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