When she touched down in the pub, she immediately saw Blaise setting alone at the bar staring into a glass of what she assumed was Firewhiskey. She walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist; the witch rested her head on the wizard'a shoulder. She felt him sigh and lean his head against hers.

"I'm sorry, I should have gone home with you." He mumbled sadly.

"It's alright." Ginny muttered, taking the seat beside him; she didn't order anything to drink though.

"I need to stop." He said quietly to his witch. "But I can't..."

"Can we go home?" Ginny asked quietly. She wanted to go home after one of her friends funerals, not sit around in a dingy pub.

"Yeah, I don't need this..." He mumbled and took the witch's hand. He Apparated them home to their small flat.

Their feet touched down in the small flat. Blaise let out a sigh and turned to the witch. He trailed his dark hand down her light arm; he took his hand in hers. With his other hand he gently caressed the red haired girl's face.

"I can't lose you." He said almost silently; Ginny felt her heart break at the young wizard'a words.

"You won't." Ginny assured him; she saw tears form in his eyes. His best friend was killed, leaving him behind.

"I love you, Ginny." He whispered softly. It was the first time he had told her. He had showed her he loved her, but he never could verbalize his emotions. Ginny's lip trembled as she pulled him close and nuzzled his hand gently.

"I love you, too." She replied.

The dark skinned wizard let out a shaky breath and fought more tears that threatened to pour. He took the witch in his arms and kissed her deeply and lovingly. When he pulled away, the young witch pulled him back down; both of them were in need of comfort.

Late that night, Hermione woke up suddenly; she looked around the room that she and Draco had planned to share. She gasped as she saw a pale, blond haired figure standing next to her. The figure smiled weakly down at her and stretched out his hand; it passed through hermione's face making her shudder.

"Draco?" She whispered quietly, hardly believing her eyes.

"Yes, Mia." whispered his voice. "It's me."

"Oh, please don't leave me." Hermione said and watched the figure sat beside her on the bed.

"I can't stay, Mia. I don't belong here anymore. This world is for the living, and that I am no longer doing." He said and leant forward; he placed a ghostly kiss on her forehead and sat back slowly. There was sadness in his grey eyes.

"I love you." Hermione whispered, not wanting him to go.

"And I love you. But you must do as I asked in my letter. Do it for me, Mia." He said, a ghostly hand trailed down her arm and rested on her stomach. "Do it for him."

"Alright, Draco." She said after a moment; the ghostly boy smiled and left a final feather of a kiss on her cheek.

"One more thing, love." He whispered. "Marry Weasley before our son is born."

"No!" Hermione cried, she didn't want to marry anyone but Draco. Of course she did love Ron, but not in that way; she didn't want to marry him.

"Please, Mia. I want you to be happy and have a family. Do it for our son, so he can have a father figure. I need you to do it for me, Mia." He almost sounded desperate. Hermione looked at him sadly.

"I love you, and I always will." She whispered.

"And I love you, Mia. Will you do it?" He asked gently. Hermione nodded slowly.

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