We didn't say anything, just stood there, staring and gaping at each other.

"Walk with me?" I broke the silence. He nodded and we began walking towards my flat.

"So what's been going on?" He asked, his hand deep in his pockets. I shook my head.

"Nothing really. Been doing some stuff around the house, cleaning out everything."

"Oh." Was all he said.

"And you?" I asked.

"Drama with the boys mostly, Luke been acting really weird lately." I nodded.

"I really miss you, Riley." He let out a breath that seemed like he had been holding in for days.

"I miss you too;" I began. "But is it my fault we've been missing each other?" He shook his head.

"Maybe we could go out sometime? Start fresh?" I nodded.

"I'd love that."

"Great!" He chirped, making me smile. "I'll pick you up at 8. Wear something nice but don't go over board with the-"

"I can't." I stopped him. "Not tonight." I sighed, taking a drink out I my cup.

"Why can't you?" His eyebrow furrowed.

"I have to be at the airport at 5." I too him honestly.

"Airport? Why?"

"Ashton I-"

"Why are you going to the airport?" He demanded, his voice lower than before.

"I'm moving back to my hometown." I told him, my voice barely audible. "I'm leaving tonight, I have my stuff packed and I've bought an apartment already."

I looked up at him; his face a dangerous shade of white.

"I'll drive you then. Ill be over at your place around 4:30." He said blankly. And with that he walked away, not saying another word.


I patiently awaited the arrival of Ashton at my door, waiting on the couch.

Me and Kiara had said our goodbyes for now, but she would be moving back there whenever she could.

I was going to miss this town. I liked it here, actually. It didn't always remind me that I had to be someone I'm not. I've moved around from place to place since my parents died. The longest I had stayed in one spot was for 8 months and that was right here in London.

I heard the knock on the door and grabbed my things, making sure I had everything I needed.

When I opened the door, Ashton was already in his car, not once did he look at me.

I steppe inside the vehicle, placing my things in the back and closing my door.

"I'm ready." I told him, a small smile playing my lips. He nodded, not bothering to say anything or look my way. I sighed.

This is going to be one heck of a day.


"Flight 182 will now board, flight 182." The woman over the speaker said.

"That's me." I told Ashton, standing from my seat. He stood as well, his height always looming over me.

"Are you sure you have to leave?" He asked, his voice quiet as his hand skimmed down my arm. I nodded, leaning in and hugging him.

"I'm gonna miss you." I mumbled into his chest. He nodded.

"Go." His voice was soft, gentle. I ran my hand through his hair, along his neck; dying to feel his heat.

"Go." He said more sternly. I nodded, giving him one tight squeeze before grabbing my things and walking away.

"No goodbye kiss?" If it was any softer, I wouldn't have caught it. But I did.

I turned, running towards him and smashing my lips against his in a desperate need to feel him. He reacted immediately and I clung to him in a needy attempt to feel the heat I was craving.

"Goodbye, Riley." He whispered as he placed his forehead on mine.

"It's never a goodbye; only a see you later."

And with that I walked away, never turning, never ceasing my movements and when I did turn, he was still there; his eyes red and puffy.

And then I realized one thing; I had deep feelings for this boy that I didn't want to let go of.

And then I realized that he was keeping me afloat, even if it was the thought of him.

And more importantly, when he's gone, my light will go out. I've been in the dark for weeks without him.

And then I watched the one person I cared about the most, fade out of sight;

Just like every one else did.


Sorry it so short!


Okay now that that's out.

I hope you like it and btw I have a surprise for you guyssssss!!!

I am starting a Harry story. I think that will be my main focus for a while until I get far enough.

Maybe maybe not I have no Idea just bare with me okay? Okay.

It will be called trouble maker and I'm posting it soon! So be excited!

Love you guys so much!

Thanks so much for everything!


Keep reading! .xx

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