You were able to see Kuroo and Kozume .

You were relieved to see some familiar faces.

"Umm, nice to meet you. I'm (Y/n) and I hope I can be a help to the club," you bow.

Everyone soon crowded you and introduced themselves to you.

Being with Lev made things so much more fun.

~~~~~few weeks later~~~~~~

You were now very accustomed to Nekoma's volleyball teams.

You had so much fun with them. It makes you really happy to be their manager.

You had also gotten closer to Lev and was with him all the time.

However, some memories were stilling trailing to you.

After school one day, Lev had to go to detention for getting to school late so here you were all alone.

You were walking around the school until you hear your name and some snickers from some girls.

You looked into their direction and realized they were your bullies from junior high.

You started to panic.

You had thought that Nekoma wouldn't be a place they would be in.

You started to quicken your pace to walk away.

However, the girls spotted you and pulled your (h/l) hair back towards them.

"Hello, (Y/n)-chan~" the leader said in an overly sweet tone."It's been awhile hasn't it?"

"Yeah, " the other girls said. "But since we are great friends, would you mind helping us a bit?"

The last girl was holding out her hand as you struggled out of their grip.

You knew what they want.

They just want your money and if they don't get it, they will most likely spread rumors about you just like in junior high.

You silently tried to escape,ignoring them.

Seeing that you weren't listening, they pulled on your hair harder.

"Hmmm? I wonder would you like a new hair cut? Your hair right now could use a trim~," the leader of the girls suddenly held scissors in her hand.

You frantically shook your head and begged them not to, but your pleas were ignored.

As the sharp object came closer and closer to you precious hair, you close your eyes as tears threatened to spill.

You were waiting for it but it never came.

As you opened your eyes, you saw Lev taking away the scissors as he dragged you away.

"Don't ever come near (Y/N) again," he glared before taking you to the an isolated spot.

He bent down and gave you a hug.

He awkwardly pat you on the back.
"Uh there....there?" He awkwardly says trying to cheer you up.

You laughed at his attempt and wiped away your tears."Thank you."

He was happy to know you were feeling better.

"KITTTTTYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!" He randomly says out of no where.

"Huh?" You sweat dropped.

"LOOOOOK!!!!!" He pointed to a fat stray cat near you.

He picked it up and started playing with its paws, making hand gestures.

Making a silly high pitched voice as the cat, he said," Hello, (Y/n)-san. Why you so sad?"

You started to laugh.

He pouted. "It's not funny," he said in his regular voice.

He goes back as the cat. "Yeah, it's not funny."

You laughed at how he's using the poor kitty to cheer you up.

"Uhh," Lev glares at the cat.

You look at what he was staring at.

You notice a yellow liquid coming from the cat spilling on his clothes.

You laughed your butt off.

Well, that's what he gets for getting the cat mad.

"Aww, man," he whined.

Although he was upset with his wet stinky clothes, he was happy to get that beautiful smile on your face.

"(Y/n), I love you," he says his thought out loud.

You both slowly processed what had just been said.

You face slowly heats up as Lev scream and tries to play it off cool but failing oh so miserably.

Seeing he was starting to get more depressed by the second, you quietly say," I love you , too."

You swear you saw his ears twitch when you said that.

"(Y/n)!!!" He glomps you into a hug.
"you're officially my girlfriend now!!"

You tried to push his wet stinky shirt away from you.

"DEAL WITH IT!!!!!!" You see Kuroo and Kozume spying behind a bush.

"OTP, success," Kozume says as he and Kuroo highfive.

"Were you planning this?" You asked the twoz

"More or less."


Sorry if Lev was so OOC.
I'm really new to writing one shots.
I tried my best. I suck so badly . T^T
I accept/need advice on how to make this better. So please comment below.
I hoped you liked it.
For AbbieVanityCakes

Haiba Lev x Reader One shot (Haikyuu)Where stories live. Discover now