The Explanation

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I woke in the same bed, with the same monsters outside, and in the same room. What more could I wake up to? I was determined to find out where my friends had gone to. So I got out of bed and walked to the door. Then I saw my normal clothes so I put them on instead. Then I walked to the cabinets filled with surgical tools. I found a knife and some Hawaiian bread. For some reason the song I was listening to, when i was penetrated with the syringe needle, got stuck in my head. Each time I sang it, my head would feel like it was going to explode. Then I started wondering, what the nurse put in my arm. I walked out the door, still thinking about  what the nurse put in me. I walked through the halls and cracked open the nurse's door. She was still sleeping. So I closed the door and walked through every hall and opened every door. But the last one was leading to outside. I leaped and twirled, but then my smile disappeared, as an eight foot tall creature stood at the doorway and broke it. It then let out a horrible screech and started to run towards me. I ran back into the halls and into my room. I then locked the door and looked out the window. I saw hundreds of these animals that were turned into monsters. I saw that they were all heading for the broken down front door. Did I let them in? Why did I do that? Questions entered and existed as my mind was twirling around. I could here screams from the nurse's room. I walked out the door with a knife. But, it was too late. The horrific monster had cut her body open in half and devoured both pieces. The monsters were now focusing on me. So I ran back in my room, locked the door, and pushed my bed to it. I used a knife to break the window. I leapt out the window and climbed to the top of the building. Now that the nurse was dead I had to find my friends. 

" Olleh, Olleh. " Someone said.

I translated the words into hello. I knew the person who was talking to me, didn't know earth english. So I spoke back.

" Ohw era uoy. " I said making sure the person heard.

" I am not a person, for I am in your head. " The voice said.

I realized that the voice was in my head, and that it could speak earth english too.

" Why are you talking to me. " I said cowardly.

" For an explanation. " The voice said fiercely.

At first I thought I was going insane. So I asked.

" What kind of explanation? "

" The syringe will cause you to fall in deep slumber, one side is good one side is evil, the evil will put asunder, You will become what you're not, There's one way to stop it, but your heart was caught. " The voice said calmly.

I was horrified, by what it had said. What was going to happen to me? What did it mean?

" Goodnight. " The voice said.

But it wasn't morning, and still I fell asleep.

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