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'What if' and 'what is' are two unlike phrases that when compared makes a lot of difference. What if sees the possibilities while what is sees the reality of what is at present.

In my case, the phrase used by people is "what if".

"What if she was still here?", 'What if I didn't leave her?" What if et cetera.

It has been five days already and all I can hear are still questions full of what ifs.

I don't know what made them say those words when all that matters is the 'what is'.

What is there for them are the memories they have created with me. I hope I gave them good happy memories to reminisce and cherish whenever they think of the Micah they loved. What is there for them is to accept what has happened and move on with their lives even without me.

What is there for me after being murdered?

What is there for me now is the life after death. The life of being a spirit, a spirit lost in the world of humankind. A soul searching for the accomplishment of a mission, a mission only my mother could help me make it through. 

The authorities have warned me about my mother's plan, a plan I have never thought of her capable of doing. Before I enter heaven, I must stop her on executing that plan of hers on killing my murderers. We must never forget that revenge is never the answer to equality and justice. Justice is served by the law and by the power of karma, the power of God.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth is a saying for people who aren't strong enough to forgive. My mother is strong. And I know my mother has a heart for second chances. I know she wouldn't do it. I have faith in her. I do.

The Cocoa Butterfly (on-hold)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon