Welcome Back Arsyn

Start from the beginning

we were in my hometown of Chicago, Illinois and I couldn't be more happy for my match tonight.

my match was the main event of raw and it was against maryse. maryse and I didn't have a problem with each other, but this match would determine who out of us two would enter the royal rumble for the divas title.

I was pretty excited and I knew I could beat her. anything could happen though and I was always prepared for that.

once the match started I lunged forward at maryse and slung her back into the corner as I ran full speed and gave her an uso splash. believe it or not those things hurt like hell.

I then slung her forward and gave her a huge right upercut, putting her in shock. she fell to the floor and as she slowly knelt up I gave her a shinning wizard. I had aj Lee to thank for that move.

I went to pin her, but right as I was about to, summer rae came running down the ramp. She slid into the ring and struck me with three back to back closlines knocking me on my ass.

she then slid out of the ring as maryse stomped on my abdmin a few times and then covered me.


I was pinned, I had lost. I had so many thoughts going through my mind and I was so out of breath that I forgot to kick out. all thanks to summer I was not going to the battle royal..

End of flashback

I hated summer for that day and I would never forget it. ever.

just like that, the bell rang.

I lunged myself at summer holding her as tight as I could and spinning around a couple of times. she kneed me in the stomach and threw an right punch, but I dodged.

I spun kicked her in the side of the head, knocking her down. I picked her up by her head and slammed her down face first as I ran to the rope and gained some speed. I ran full speed at summer giving her the shining wizard and laying her flat out.

I tried covering her, but she kicked out at 2. she kneed me once again in the stomach and kicked me in the back of the knee making me fall down.

she slammed my face into the mat and started to put me into her famous Indian Death Lock. I countered and didn't let it happen. no way was I tapping out to her.

I got up and dropkicked her, as she got back up I went for my Thunder Thigh Of Doom. quickly swinging my leg around her neck, tightening my grip, and doing a summer salt so that she was laid out on the mat with my thighs around her neck and me pinning her.


the ending bell rang and I jumped up fast as lightening and ran to the corner ropes. jumping up to the second one and throwing up double punk signs as my music played.

the crowd was a ecstatic and mostly all cheers. everyone knows what she cost me and knew I deserves my revenge. the sweetest revenge is best sereved cold.

I went around the outside of the ring smacking hands and then walking up the ramp giving my final punk signs.

happy that I won I walked behind the stage and had everyone congratulating me. they were proud that I got my revenge and the fact that I beat a pro when it was only my 3rd match since being on wwe raw.

It was probably the only quick match I'll have, but I enjoyed it and all that matters is I won, fair & square.

right now I feel accomplished and I feel proud of myself. I feel like all that hard work paid off and now I'm finally doing what I love and admire.

all of a sudden i was being snapped out of my thoughts, someone came to congratulate me that I wasn't expecting.

"hey, hello.. Adrian?"

oh my, I'm so sorry, what's up Randall?

"well I just wanted to say congratulations and show my support for the new divaaa"

well thank you, wasn't expecting you around here today or really any day for a few months. what are you doing here?

"ah well I still can't compete till next Monday, but things have changed. the doctors said my shoulders have healed nicely and quicker than predicted. I'll be medicaly cleared this weekend."

that's great news! I hope we have you back in action Monday!! Hate seeing sheamus and his pip squeaks running the show!

"Me too, its hard to watch. but once again congrats, I'll be back Monday to save your eyes from the sight of those ugly 4 guys"

as he said that he got closer and pulled me into a hug. It was weird because growing up I watched john cena and him feud every week for years straight and I always had the biggest crush on him.

now here he was, the cold hearted venomous viper hugging me, arsyn. I really couldn't believe it, but I hugged back and said thank you.

with that we both walked away. I went back to the locker room to get out of my gear and headed to catering.

by the time I reached catering my stomach was growling like I hadn't eaten in days when in reality I've been eating all night here and there.

I talked to some of the superstars and divas as we all watched the match that was going on atm. john cena vs dean ambrose.

I loved jonathan's (dean) work and the way he never backs down even when he knows the odds aren't in his favor. but I also had a sweet spot for john cena.

john is one of the nicest guys around here and he always sends positive messages to all of us. no matter how shitty his day was, he will push it all aside and make sure that we're having a great day.

he was 1 out of 3 people to make me feel welcomed here. he was also going to be my trainer starting Friday because I would be attending smack down on Thursday nights.

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