Saturday *Connor*

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"How you annoy me. You even mess up my walking," I say, walking down the last few steps and into the kitchen. I set Eva on the table and walk over to the fridge. "You really want pancakes?"

"No. I asked for no reason," Eva says sarcastically as I grab the milk out of the fridge. I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"Well, we're out of blueberries so that's out of the question but sure. I can make pancakes," I say. Eva looks disappointed but nods anyways. I pour myself a cup of milk.

"Fine as long as you have some kind of fruit," she says.

"We have strawberries, bananas and grapes," I say.

"But you don't have the best fruit ever," Eva says.

"Unless you want to go to the farmer's market, stop complaining," I say. Eva crosses her arms and stares out the back door.

While I make the pancakes, she refuses to speak to me. She's so confusing. Why does she have to be upset over the littlest thing like no blueberries? I put the pancakes on a plate and turn around only to find no one. Eva just disappeared.

"Eva?" I ask. How long has she been gone? How can I not notice her leaving? Did I just zone out? The back door opens and Eva steps in. Relief floods through me. "Where were you?"

"Farmer's market," Eva says simply and puts a carton of blueberries on the table. I stare at her in disbelief.

"You actually went to the farmer's market," I say. Eva rolls her eyes.

"Bro, I like blueberries. I will go get blueberries," Eva says.

"Okay okay. I just didn't expect you to actually go get blueberries," I say. I put the plate of pancakes on the counter.

"What can I say? I'm weird," she says. I grab a couple plates, forks and another cup.

"Did you want something to drink?" I ask.

"Orange juice," Eva says. I nod and take the orange juice out of the fridge. I set everything on the table before grabbing my cup from the counter.

"So after this, how do you want to spend today?" I ask.

"Stay in bed," Eva says simply.

"Sounds nice. We can watch movies too if ya want," I say. Eva nods and takes a pancake off the stack. She tears it into pieces and put the pieces in her mouth. "You have weird habits."

"Don't you judge me, human boy. I have my habits and you have yours," she says and stifles a laugh.

"What do you call a Bell Grande that's not yours?" I ask. Eva looks at me like I'm crazy but shrugs. "Nacho Bell Grande."

"You're so cheesy." Eva laughs, throwing a piece of pancake at me. I move out of the way before it hits me.

"Don't you throw your pancake-" Before I can finish my sentence, I get hit in the face with a piece of pancake. Eva starts laughing loudly.

"You look a hundred percent done with me," Eva says between laughs. Her face is turning a light shade of red.

"Oh I am," I say. Eva laughs harder until she's clutching her stomach. I really don't understand what's so funny but her laugh is so contagious. I soon start laughing too.

"You're so very done," Eva says after she's calmed down.

"Duh." I bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from laughing.

We ate the pancakes. Eva threw a blueberry at me but I ended up catching it in my mouth. She looked very impressed but she still threw a blueberry at my forehead. After we were done, I cleaned everything up while yelling at Eva who was trying to bolt up the stairs. As soon as I put the last plate in the sink, she ran up the stairs.

"Really?" I shout and hear Eva's laugh echo downstairs. I run up the stairs and walk down the hall. I push open my door. Eva is under her Harry Potter blanket. I climb into bed and bury my face into my pillow.

"You're tired," Eva says, poking my cheek.

"Yeah," I say. "You should cuddle with me."

"Cuddle?" Eva asks, sounding like she has no clue what the heck that word means. She probably doesn't.

"You don't know what cuddle means?" I ask, flipping onto my side. Eva shakes her head. "Well, how do I explain this? It's like hugging someone while laying down?"

"Don't ask me," she says. "But what did I tell ya. Rule five."

"Friends cuddle all the time. That doesn't mean they're dating," I say. Eva squints at me. What does she think of me? I can never tell.

"I believe you," is all she says. Eva lays down next to me. "Ya know, humans are weird."

"I think you're the weird one here," I say. Eva sticks her tongue out at me.

"I was raised differently. I'm allowed to be weird," she says. Eva puts her hand on my arm like she's going to shove me but then she stops. "Oh my gosh, you're so warm!"

"Uhm, thanks?" I ask. Eva doesn't say anything as she scoots closer to me. She snuggles her face into my shirt.

"I'm so cold and you're so warm. Warm me," she mumbles. I wrap my arms around her back.

"I think you've got the concept of cuddling down," I say. Eva doesn't say anything but pulls her blanket over the both of us. "This blanket is soft."

"Mhm, that's why I love it," Eva says. "I could go back to bed."

"Then go to sleep. I could use more sleep too," I say and yawn.

I'm not sure what happened after that. All I remember was closing my eyes and then the dark. I think Eva mumbled something but I can't remember what it was. Sleep was just too tempting.

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